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ANZCA - Latest News [Page 2]

Exercise has more impact on health than diet

Monday, 2 May 2016, 11:47 am | ANZCA

Exercise has more impact than dieting on people’s health. Even among people who are obese, those who exercise regularly have a lower death rate than both obese and slender people who do not exercise. More >>

Pain is the hidden side of the obesity epidemic

Monday, 2 May 2016, 11:16 am | ANZCA

People who are obese are more likely to suffer from chronic pain and need special help to manage it, an international speaker told a meeting of Australian and New Zealand pain specialists today. More >>

New technique revolutionises treatment for stroke

Monday, 2 May 2016, 11:08 am | ANZCA

A revolutionary treatment for stroke that involves removing the clot using a tiny device inserted into an artery results in more people able to go home independent, and has no higher rate of injury or death than conventional treatments. More >>

Can blood pressure medication stop breast cancer?

Thursday, 18 February 2016, 10:01 am | ANZCA

Can blood pressure medication stop breast cancer? The spread of breast cancer may be prevented by well-known drugs commonly used to treat high blood pressure, research funded by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) will explore. ... More >>

Anaesthetists lead the way in patient comfort

Wednesday, 18 November 2015, 10:12 am | ANZCA

Chocolate and chewing gum: anaesthetists lead the way in patient comfort A chocolate-flavoured sedative for children and the use of chewing gum to stop nausea after an anaesthetic are two novel research projects that have just received funding by the Australian ... More >>

Compassion in healthcare improves patient outcomes

Saturday, 7 November 2015, 6:15 pm | ANZCA

Compassion in healthcare dramatically improves clinical outcomes, says Dr Robin Youngson, a New Zealand specialist anaesthetist and internationally recognised advocate for compassion in healthcare. More >>

Medicine the only winner in warfare

Saturday, 7 November 2015, 6:13 pm | ANZCA

“There is only one winner in warfare, and that is medicine,” Dr Rhys Thomas, a specialist anaesthetist and former Lieutenant Colonel in the British Forces, has told an anaesthetists conference being held in Wellington, November 5-7. More >>

What can sport teach medicine?

Sunday, 25 October 2015, 2:09 pm | ANZCA

Anaesthetists work under mental stress on a par with that of highly-trained soldiers and elite athletes and should be given the same training to meet those extreme demands, a meeting of anaesthetists heard this weekend. More >>

National Anaesthesia Day – Friday, October 16

Saturday, 10 October 2015, 12:12 pm | ANZCA

Next Friday, October 16, is National Anaesthesia Day – a promotion by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) that marks the anniversary of the day in 1846 when ether anaesthetic was first demonstrated publicly in Boston. With ... More >>

Poor drug labelling a recipe for disaster

Thursday, 8 October 2015, 9:22 am | ANZCA

Drug errors may occur as frequently as one in every 133 anaesthetics although the true incidence is likely greater, says Melbourne anaesthetist Dr David Bramley, who is calling for mandatory drug labelling standards to help prevent mistakes resulting ... More >>

ACC looking beyond direct cost of injury

Monday, 5 October 2015, 10:26 am | ANZCA

The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) is looking beyond the direct costs and effects of injury when considering how to achieve the best outcome for clients. While this more holistic approach might require a greater up-front investment, ACC believes ... More >>

Managing expectations about chronic pain cure

Monday, 5 October 2015, 9:11 am | ANZCA

Fully curing chronic pain is rare so pain medicine specialists need to manage patient expectations carefully and help their patient to see their persistent pain as a condition to be managed, like other conditions such as asthma or diabetes, says Dr Diarmuid ... More >>

Pain medicine specialists welcome proposed codeine ban

Monday, 5 October 2015, 8:40 am | ANZCA

A recommendation yesterday by Australia’s medicines regulator, the Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA), that all over the counter medicines containing codeine be rescheduled to become prescription-only, has been welcomed by leading pain medicine ... More >>

Top pain specialists urge caution on “medicinal cannabis”

Wednesday, 22 April 2015, 2:14 pm | ANZCA

The evidence supporting the use of cannabis-based medicines for pain relief in chronic non-cancer pain is weak and based more on anecdote than on sound clinical science and practice, leading pain physicians in New Zealand and Australia argue. The Faculty ... More >>

New Zealand leads the way in helping patients stop smoking

Wednesday, 15 October 2014, 10:53 am | ANZCA

The New Zealand policy of mandatory collection of the smoking status of every health service patient, as well as support to stop smoking, has been trialled in a pilot project in Australia. Based on the New Zealand model, where it is compulsory to ask, ... More >>

Obesity increases risks when having surgery

Monday, 9 June 2014, 3:12 pm | ANZCA

As well as increasing the need for surgery, obesity increases the complications associated with having anaesthesia for surgery, says specialist anaesthetist Dr Nigel Robertson, speaking today (Monday, June 9) in support of the New Zealand Medical ... More >>

Laughing gas gets the all clear at last

Tuesday, 6 May 2014, 12:52 pm | ANZCA

A commonly-used anaesthetic drug used more than one billion times on patients undergoing surgery has finally been declared safe, putting an end to one of modern medicine’s great debates. While nitrous oxide, better known as ‘laughing gas’, was first ... More >>

Unsung Heroes of the Operating Theatre Have Their Day

Wednesday, 16 October 2013, 2:54 pm | ANZCA

Around 50 per cent of New Zealanders are not aware that their anaesthetist is a highly trained medical specialist, just like their surgeon. While the “Offspring effect” has raised awareness of the anaesthetist’s role, events such as the death of pop ... More >>

National Anaesthesia Day

Wednesday, 9 October 2013, 6:42 pm | ANZCA

Most people will need the care of an anaesthetist at some stage in their lives – for pain relief during the birth of a baby, for a routine day-stay procedure or for a major operation. Many of today’s operations, especially for the very young, very ... More >>

Chronic pain major cause of health loss

Friday, 9 August 2013, 6:15 pm | ANZCA

“Chronic pain is one of the leading causes of health loss for New Zealanders, according to today’s report, Health Loss in New Zealand ,” says pain medicine specialist, Dr Kieran Davis. Health loss is a measure of how much healthy life is lost due to ... More >>