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Aziz Choudry - Latest News [Page 1]

Neoliberal Immigration & Guestworker Programmes

Monday, 16 June 2008, 10:50 am | Aziz Choudry

GATT Watchdog Academic Dr Aziz Choudry today delivered a speech to the International Migrant Alliance Founding Assembly titled: “Free Trade”, Neoliberal Immigration & The Globalization Of Guestworker Programs... focussing on Wages, Job Security, ... More >>

NZ Gov. Not Fit to Sit on UN Human Rights Council

Tuesday, 23 October 2007, 3:56 pm | Aziz Choudry

The New Zealand Government must be stopped. At home and abroad. On 14 September this year, the New Zealand government and three other governments (Canada, USA and Australia) shared the dubious distinction as the only states to vote against the adoption of ... More >>

Montreal, Occupied Kanien'keha:Ka Territory

Tuesday, 23 October 2007, 12:10 am | Aziz Choudry

Around 25 people gathered outside the UN Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 413, Saint Jacques Street, Montreal on Monday lunchtime to denounce the current wave of state terror by the New Zealand Government against Maori sovereignty, ... More >>

Choudry: This Average Kiwi Bloke Has Had Enough...

Friday, 19 October 2007, 10:19 pm | Aziz Choudry

As an ordinary average Kiwi bloke watching the events of the past few days in Aotearoa from Canada, I have felt both a sense of déjà vu and strong parallels between the two places. My outrage at the actions of the New Zealand Police and their political ... More >>

AZ: Monkey-Wrenching the Globalization Gang

Thursday, 14 July 2005, 11:33 am | Aziz Choudry

Aziz Choudry has delivered a paper to the Asia-Pacific Resource Network Policy conference on trade titled: Monkey-Wrenching the Globalization Gang. "Neoliberalism and Colonialism Fast forward a few centuries, and this colonizing mindset and racist contempt still ... More >>

A Website Against Bilateral Free Trade Agreements

Monday, 6 September 2004, 2:59 am | Aziz Choudry

Announcing A New Website Against Bilateral Free Trade & Investment Agreements An Open Letter To Global Activists From Aziz Choudry and Renée Vellvé EN FRANÇAIS - EN ESPANOL More >>

Aziz Choudry: Operation Enduring Free Trade

Thursday, 13 May 2004, 11:40 am | Aziz Choudry

While US forces bombed, murdered and maimed their way to ''freedom'' and ''democracy'' in Falluja and across Iraq, George Bush reiterated his vision for the Middle East to the US public on April 13th, 2004: More >>

Fighting the US-Thailand Free Trade Agreement

Monday, 29 March 2004, 9:56 am | Aziz Choudry

Aziz Choudry writes: Every time I visit Bangkok I see it. "Power is nothing without control" reads an advertising billboard for a transnational tyre company near Chulalongkorn University. This February, Pirelli’s slogan summed up the US philosophy for its proposed ... More >>

Bush and Arroyo: Big Brother, Little Sister

Monday, 8 March 2004, 9:50 am | Aziz Choudry

The similarities between George W Bush and Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and the electioneering underway in both countries are both surreal and striking. More >>

Laser-Guided Liberalization and Latin America

Monday, 26 January 2004, 2:28 pm | Aziz Choudry

While the US military unleashed laser-guided weapons of mass destruction on the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Administration’s aggressive international trade and investment agenda has developed some “smart bombs” of its own. More >>

Blood, Oil, Guns And Bullets - Globalisation & War

Friday, 21 November 2003, 9:30 am | Aziz Choudry

Terror, invasion, occupation and militarization are hallmarks of the US-led corporate recolonisation of Iraq. But they have long been the hallmarks of colonialism and imperialism the world over. More >>

The Emperor Goes To Asia and Talks Terror

Tuesday, 28 October 2003, 7:50 am | Aziz Choudry

Fresh from visiting California’s Governor-Terminator, His Imperial Majesty jetted off to Asia … More >>

Tarzan, Indiana Jones & A Global Greenwash Machine

Friday, 17 October 2003, 11:25 am | Aziz Choudry

Colin Powell says that its work is "amazing". In 2001, it received what the media dubbed the biggest ever grant to an environmental organization - US $261 million spread over 10 years. Its website proclaims: "A passionate few can make the difference ... More >>

Aziz Choudry: The Twin Terrors

Wednesday, 17 September 2003, 9:45 am | Aziz Choudry

If the grinch stole Christmas, the Neoliberals and warmongers keep trying to steal the 11th of September. More >>

Aziz Choudry: Trade Talk - Speaking in Tongues

Tuesday, 9 September 2003, 2:30 pm | Aziz Choudry

It’s enough to make your eyes glaze over. Modalities. Conditionalities. Most-favoured nation. Rules of Origin. Phytosanitary Standards. TRIPS. TRIMS. GATS. WTO. APEC. FTAA. NAFTA. Trade negotiators, governments, the media and many non-governmental ... More >>

No Surprises: Repeat Offending, DeJa Vu & the WTO

Tuesday, 2 September 2003, 9:49 am | Aziz Choudry

With the World Trade Organization (WTO) Fifth Ministerial Meeting just days away, reflecting on the power politics, the ongoing wheeling, dealing, bullying and anti-democratic tactics which continues to characterize global trade negotiations, a question must ... More >>

Neoliberal Globalization: Cancun and Beyond

Thursday, 21 August 2003, 9:58 am | Aziz Choudry

The Fifth Ministerial of the World Trade Organization (WTO) takes place in Cancun Mexico, September 10-14, 2003. Aziz Choudry has written a 24 page report investigating what neoliberalism and colonialism means to today's society. More >>

WTO Competition Policy Another Corporate Steal

Monday, 18 August 2003, 10:33 am | Aziz Choudry

In the lead-up to September’s Ministerial Meeting in Cancun, much of the opposition to the so-called Singapore Issues (or new issues) has focussed on attempts to kickstart negotiations on a multilateral investment agreement at the World Trade Organization ... More >>

Montreal: Mini-Ministerial Mass Arrests

Sunday, 10 August 2003, 8:44 pm | Aziz Choudry

Canada's ambassador to the WTO, Sergio Marchi defended the invitation-only nature of the informal mini-Ministerial held in Montreal from 28-30 July, claiming: "Someone has to act as the locomotive for the entire train". As many opponents of neoliberal ... More >>

Satisfaction Not Guaranteed: WTO In Montreal

Friday, 1 August 2003, 11:25 am | Aziz Choudry

In early June, Canada's trade minister, Pierre Pettigrew exultantly announced the death of the "anti-globalization" movement. "I draw great satisfaction out of the fact that the phenomenon of anti-globalization has completely disappeared", ... More >>