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Bev Harris - Latest News [Page 1]

New Black Box Voting "Protect the Count" Video

Thursday, 9 October 2008, 12:53 am | Bev Harris

While everyone's watching the VOTING, not enough people are watching the COUNTING! More >>

Partisan Contractors To Count Nov. Election Votes

Wednesday, 1 October 2008, 12:33 am | Bev Harris

In Illinois, Colorado and Kentucky, contractors with partisan ties to the GOP will be counting the 2008 vote. More >>

Latest report on Iowa Caucus protections

Monday, 17 December 2007, 12:56 am | Bev Harris

Ever wonder how the heck a caucus works, whether they are secure from fraud, and if there's anything new to help citizens oversee presidential caucuses? Black Box Voting has identified several areas of concern, reports some good news, and identifies ... More >>

The Collapse of the Trust Me Elections Model

Monday, 3 December 2007, 10:14 am | Bev Harris

In 2007, Black Box Voting embarked on a year-long investigative series examining elections in what we call the Moonshine territories – reputedly the most corrupt local governments in America. What we found has staggering implications for the design ... More >>

Hammertime - Voting Machines And Citizen Violence

Monday, 14 May 2007, 1:40 pm | Bev Harris

A 52-year old carpenter from Arlington Virginia expressed frustration over losing his voting rights by taking a hammer to a voting machine. The WinVote machine succumbed to no less than an Estwing Supreme 22S, "the finest framing hammer known to mankind," ... More >>

Bev Harris: Hear The Train A'comin'

Thursday, 8 June 2006, 2:32 pm | Bev Harris

We ain't seen the sunshine since, we don' know when We're stuck in Blackbox prison, this ain't democracy But that train keeps a rollin´, over you and me. More >>

Bev Harris: Vote Fraud, Volusia County On Lockdown

Thursday, 18 November 2004, 5:19 pm | Bev Harris

Dueling lawyers, election officials gnashing teeth, film crew catching it all. Here's what happened so far: More >>

Bev Harris: E-Vote Lab Omitted Tamperability Test

Tuesday, 9 November 2004, 12:40 am | Bev Harris

Freedom of Information requests at have unearthed two Ciber certification reports indicating that security and tamperability was NOT TESTED and that several state elections directors, a secretary of state, and Dr. ... More >>

Bev Harris: Gap In King County Election Audit Logs

Tuesday, 2 November 2004, 3:10 pm | Bev Harris

OK folks. We now have what everyone keeps saying no one can come up with. We now have evidence that certainly looks like altering a computerized voting system during a real election, and it happened just six weeks ago. More >>

Backdoor Found In Diebold Vote Counting Program

Thursday, 2 September 2004, 1:17 pm | Bev Harris

Issue: Manipulation technique found in the Diebold central tabulator -- 1,000 of these systems are in place, and they count up to two million votes at a time. More >>

Qui-Tam Lawsuit Filed Against Diebold For Fraud

Monday, 12 July 2004, 2:50 pm | Bev Harris

California lawsuit unsealed seeking restitution from Diebold for fraud - may fund Black Box Voting organization - There are no other groups fulfilling the role of consumer investigation in elections. More >>

Two Black Box Voting Investigators Ready To Rumble

Wednesday, 23 June 2004, 12:15 am | Bev Harris

Black Box Voting launches the first publicly funded consumer protection organization for elections A 501(c)3 nonprofit, nonpartisan, publicly funded consumer protection organization for elections. More >>

Bev Harris: Diebold Plans To Eliminate Evidence

Friday, 21 May 2004, 10:19 am | Bev Harris

I've been saying now for over a year that this is coming, and here it is in print: From the transcript of the May 3 2004 Cuyahoga County (Cleveland, Oh) Board of Elections "Question and Answer" session with Diebold: More >>

Lawsuit to Decertify Diebold Optical Scan

Monday, 17 May 2004, 1:47 pm | Bev Harris

In the first pre-emptive lawsuit against voting machines filed by a candidate, Andy Stephenson -- a candidate for Washington Secretary of State -- has filed for an injunction to decertify Diebold GEMS central count software used in four Washington counties. More >>

Secret Service Investigation Puts Squeeze on BBV

Friday, 30 April 2004, 11:28 am | Bev Harris

And by the way, they read every word. Hi, agent Mike. He says not to tell folks about the "investigating" they are doing. More >>

Bev Harris: Inside CA's Diebold Decertification

Friday, 23 April 2004, 6:37 pm | Bev Harris

SCOOP EDITOR'S NOTE: Bev Harris is presently on the road. The following is taken from a forum post from the Democratic Underground website updating the online community on yesterday's startling developments in the fight for an accountable vote counting ... More >>

Bev Harris: Inside Sequoia's Vote Counting Program

Friday, 2 April 2004, 12:43 am | Bev Harris

On election night, March 2nd 2004, two people who do not work for the County, Sequoia employees Michael Frontera and Eddie Campbell were observed to access the WinEds central tabulator during the middle of the count. More >>

Restraining Order Sought Against Diebold ES

Wednesday, 18 February 2004, 12:14 am | Bev Harris

On Tuesday at 9:45 a.m. at the Sacramento Superior Court (Dept. 53, on 800 9th St., Sacramento California) Plaintiffs will seek a restraining order against Diebold Election Systems. More >>

Bev Harris: Embezzler Programmed Voting System

Tuesday, 23 December 2003, 11:04 am | Bev Harris

An embezzler who specialized in sophisticated alteration of records of computerized systems was programming our voting system, and also had access to the printing of the ballots, and ties to the private company that sorts King County absentee ballots. More >>

Black Box Voting: Live Online Cal. Recall Reports

Tuesday, 7 October 2003, 10:28 pm | Bev Harris

Sponsored by Black Box Voting: Instant reporting at – California voters can submit voting experiences immediately at this site. For unusual or egregious problems, the BBV team contacts the media to direct them to the scene of the action. More >>