Communist Party of Aotearoa - Latest News [Page 1]
Mobilise Against Imperialist Genetic Plunder
Friday, 26 October 2001, 2:34 pm | Communist Party of Aotearoa
The Communist Party is urging the broadest mobilisation against the push by US transnationals to turn Aotearoa into a testing ground for genetic experiments as the Clark regime weighs up options over the next week. More >>
Mobilise To Stop The Bloodshed In East Timor
Wednesday, 8 September 1999, 10:50 pm | Communist Party of Aotearoa
The Communist Party of Aotearoa urges the broadest mobilisations of people to demand an end to the terror and genocide in East Timor. People of Aotearoa, who hold democracy dear, must take a stand behind the people of East Timor who have clearly expressed ... More >>