Denis O'Reilly - Latest News [Page 1]
Rock Icon Supports Hawke’s Bay Meth Initiative
Wednesday, 3 March 2010, 10:58 am | Denis O'Reilly
Joe Walsh, member of the iconic Eagles Band, has put his support and sponsorship behind a Hawke’s Bay ‘First Sunday’ initiative to help families overcome addiction to methamphetamine. The ‘First Sunday’ project kicks off this week on the 7th ... More >>
Werewolf: Politics in the P Pipe
Friday, 20 November 2009, 1:53 pm | Denis O'Reilly
P rime Minister John Key’s anti-methamphetamine initiatives have a good chance of long term success. The ban on across-the-counter sales of remedies containing pseudoephidrine is something of a red-herring in my view. More >>