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John Bishop - Latest News [Page 2]

Communications Line Issue No. 56 - 6 Dec 2007

Thursday, 6 December 2007, 12:19 am | John Bishop

It’s been an extraordinary saga of events at the Capital and Coast District Health Board, and clearly the drama is not all over yet. Putting aside the immediate issues that have given rise to the barrage of negative and damaging publicity, how would ... More >>

Communications Line Number 56, 6 December 2007

Thursday, 6 December 2007, 12:09 am | John Bishop

Real challenge at Wellington DHB; Weak, supine and risk averse; Blind bad tactics; Mallard safe; PR A rich story source; Rumour a political weapon; Clinton is Satan; Spanish surge; Wannabe popstars; Talking about performance; A modest brag; Export ... More >>

Communications Line: Issue Number 55 of 15 Nov. 07

Thursday, 15 November 2007, 12:46 am | John Bishop

Normally I am on the side of public disclosure, because I believe a well informed populace makes for a healthy democracy, but on the publication of the evidence for the police raids, I have some grave doubts. More >>

Communications Line - Number 54 of October 25 2007

Friday, 26 October 2007, 12:53 am | John Bishop

There is a note in my diary for Monday 22 October, placed there many months ago. It reads ‘celebrate World Cup victory.’ Once upon a time we believed that it was possible, as if wishing something would make it so, that it was our turn, surely, ... More >>

John Bishop's Communications Line 4Oct 2007

Thursday, 4 October 2007, 3:32 pm | John Bishop

In the job market for communications professionals, good people are hard to get, and this is pushing up salaries. Good candidates are getting multiple offers, which is putting pressure on employers to make quicker decisions on candidates, according ... More >>

Communications Line No. 52 of 13 September 2007

Friday, 14 September 2007, 10:30 am | John Bishop

In Australia Prime Minister John Howard is fending off suggestions that he should step aside from the leadership before the next federal election – due by the end of the year. “I am the best man to lead,” and “just one more go and then I’ll ... More >>

John Bishop: Leaders to Go?

Thursday, 13 September 2007, 3:19 pm | John Bishop

In Australia Prime Minister John Howard is fending off suggestions that he should step aside from the leadership before the next federal election – due by the end of the year. “I am the best man to lead,” and “just one more go and then I’ll ... More >>

Communications Line Number 51 of 23 August 2007

Monday, 27 August 2007, 10:45 am | John Bishop

Communications Line Number 51 of 23 August 2007 What did Ministers know? What is g More >>

John Bishop: It’s no dream; it is over

Saturday, 14 July 2007, 8:03 pm | John Bishop

So we didn’t get the America’s Cup back. What’s your reaction? Mine was the usual mixture of denial – it wasn’t that big a deal anyway; defiance, well it was really about which bunch of Kiwis won the cup; defeatism - well it’s hard to ... More >>

Communications Line # 48 of 21 June 2007

Thursday, 21 June 2007, 1:55 pm | John Bishop

Wild Child News Maker; Seven (or so) questions about Mercury; Become Consumer-centric; New Business Paper; Ambush marketing bill goes too far; Obama girl; NCEA Communications failed strategically; Pray for “True Religion”; Who does media interviews any ... More >>

Communications Line Number 47 of 31 May 2007

Thursday, 31 May 2007, 12:46 am | John Bishop

The surprise about the latest political opinion polls is not that National is ahead; it's the extent of the lead. None of the five polls in May have National with less than a 12 per cent lead. The average lead is 17 per cent, and the two biggest - Colmar ... More >>

Communications Line of 10 May 2007

Thursday, 10 May 2007, 1:02 pm | John Bishop

Property investment: a middle class tax cut; The villain, the victim, the law and the ambush; Lie with integrity; Hurricanes saved the worst for last; Greenpeace goes after Genesis; When is a smack inconsequential; Interesting Accountants, donations, ... More >>

Communications Line: Issue Number 46 of 10 May 200

Thursday, 10 May 2007, 12:12 am | John Bishop

The continuing strength of the property market is a constant vexation to Dr Bollard at the Reserve Bank who believes that high property values make people feel wealthy and therefore they borrow more and live beyond their means. So he keeps raising interest ... More >>

Communications Line Issue # 45 20 April 2007

Wednesday, 25 April 2007, 12:59 pm | John Bishop

The latest twist in the battle over the smacking law is to bring in personalities to sway our views on the Bradford Bill. Using personalities is a frequent ploy in all kinds of marketing, and having high profile people supporting your cause does ... More >>

John Bishop's Communications Line 30 March 2007

Friday, 30 March 2007, 11:16 am | John Bishop

They are doing things differently there, to misquote and paraphrase author L.P. Hartley ('The Go-Between', 1953). Nowhere is this more apparent than in new media, or social media and the confusing tangle of acronym-ed technologies called the internet. More >>

Communications Line Issue 43 of 8 March 2007

Friday, 9 March 2007, 2:50 pm | John Bishop

The headline on the poster advertising the anti rape march in Wellington tonight says “rapists acquitted” over pictures of Rickards, Schollum and Shipton. Legally that’s incorrect as Rickards is not a convicted rapist unlike the other two. More >>

Communications Line Number 41 for 29 January 2007

Friday, 26 January 2007, 4:46 pm | John Bishop

It wasn’t a sudden conversion. In fact it sneaked up on me rather slowly and was prompted by two seemingly unrelated events, although both involve the royal family. The first was the parading of the latest piece of royal crumpet: Kate Middleton for ... More >>

Communications Line: Issue number 40 of 7/12/06

Monday, 11 December 2006, 2:38 pm | John Bishop

Success is all about strategy, people and execution. In the last week or so, we have seen three outstanding examples of how three leaders have got the results they wanted. The Australians won the cricket, Idi Amin was reborn in Fiji and John Key ... More >>

Communications Line Issue Number 39 of 16 Nov.

Thursday, 16 November 2006, 4:08 pm | John Bishop

I freely confess to not understanding all the politics of the Auckland Stadium, but the way the matter has unfolded neatly illustrates some of the techniques and challenges of politics in a democracy. More >>

The Stadium: bribe or miscalculation?

Thursday, 16 November 2006, 3:29 pm | John Bishop

I freely confess to not understanding all the politics of the Auckland Stadium, but the way the matter has unfolded neatly illustrates some of the techniques and challenges of politics in a democracy. More >>