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Lawrence R. Velvel - Latest News [Page 1]

Lawrence Velvel: Richard The LyingHearted

Friday, 21 May 2010, 12:28 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

Question: What do John Roberts, Bernie Madoff, Elena Kagan, Richard Blumenthal, Allen Stanford, George W. Bush and Adam Wheeler have in common? Answer: All of them have shown lack of respect for truth and honesty. More >>

L R Velvel: We Don´t Know About The Madoff Matter

Thursday, 9 July 2009, 11:36 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

My memory may be faulty, but I do not remember a major crime in which, at the times of plea and sentencing of the lead culprit, the details of what happened, of what was done, were as little known publicly (and perhaps to investigators) as in Madoff. ... More >>

Re: No Siree Nocera[h]. You Are Dead Wrong

Wednesday, 18 March 2009, 1:35 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

On the weekend of March 7th and 8th, a conference on the ineptitude, inaccuracies, problems of and possible solutions for, the mass media was held at our law school, the Massachusetts School of Law. The panelists included famous names in American ... More >>

Lawrence R. Velvel: More On The Madoff Mess (2)

Thursday, 5 February 2009, 10:06 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

At this point in time, there still has not been much talk about lawsuits against the government or FINRA. I think the relative silence on these subjects to date arises from people's shocked focus on more immediate questions: what can they recover quickly ... More >>

Lawrence R. Velvel: More On The Madoff Mess (1)

Wednesday, 4 February 2009, 12:28 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

For the last six weeks or so, I have been dealing with a large number of people whom I never previously knew and who did not previously know me. They are victims of Madoff. More >>

Lawrence Velvel: Investing With Bernie Madoff

Monday, 26 January 2009, 10:02 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

The courses of action discussed here previously all have major shortcomings: they leave people very short of money to live on, they harm the innocent, they take way too long, they are uncertain. More >>

US: Keeping Minorities Out Of Law School

Tuesday, 11 November 2008, 10:29 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

If law school enrollment today is made up largely of the white and the wealthy, it is because the American Bar Association, the chief accreditor of the nation’s law schools, has designed the rules that produce this outcome. It’s not that minorities ... More >>

War In Afghanistan Could Doom Obama Presidency

Sunday, 9 November 2008, 5:45 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

We hope for Barack Obama to have all the success in the world. And given his smarts -- he seems far and away the smartest president-elect in the last 45 years -- he should although, as one person put it to me, people hope for so much from him that ... More >>

Author: Verdict Of History On Bush Will Be Harsh

Tuesday, 28 October 2008, 10:43 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

The judgment of history may well be that the United States has been “taken into, and kept in, the Iraq War by a guy who is not quite right in his head,” a distinguished legal scholar says. More >>

Suppressing History Of Filipino Revolt Paved Way

Friday, 24 October 2008, 11:48 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

America’s wars of aggression against Viet Nam and Iraq might not have been waged if the U.S. government had not censored the true story of the widespread atrocities its troops committed in the Philippines at the end of the 19th Century. More >>

Re: Unaffordable Rates Of Interest

Friday, 3 October 2008, 5:08 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

I would like to ask a question about the bailout. The question comes out of ignorance, or perhaps because I've seen so little (or no) reference to it in the media. The questions is: under the bailout, what will happen to the mortgage rates paid by persons ... More >>

Re Prosecuting For War Crimes

Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 6:19 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

Sometimes, when I am particularly depressed, I ascribe our behavior to stupidity -- the stupidity of our leadership, the stupidity of our culture. Thirty years ago we suffered military defeat -- fighting an unwinnable war against a country about ... More >>

Re: Eric Lichtblau's Unpersuasive Defense

Wednesday, 21 May 2008, 12:46 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

Re: Eric Lichtblau's Unpersuasive Defense Of The New York Times' Failure To Print His Story On The NSA's Illegal Electronic Spying In October 2004 - -A Time When The Story Could And Probably Would Have Resulted In Bush Losing The Election And Could ... More >>

Re: Travesties Of The Political/Media Complex

Saturday, 22 March 2008, 12:19 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

I gather it is common to become less tolerant of nonsense, stupidity and their like as one gets older. Never having had a high threshold for these things to begin with, I find myself getting even shorter with political bullroar (a 1950s Chicago word), ... More >>

Re: Pekelis, Miller, And Today's Supreme Court.

Saturday, 15 March 2008, 11:50 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

In recent months I read a book which mentioned the name “Alexander Pekalis.” It was a name I had not seen referred to in print in over 40 years. The author, whether because of a mistaken impression or a typographical error, spelled the name wrong. ... More >>

Lawrence Velvel: Mental Attributes Of A President

Tuesday, 4 March 2008, 9:01 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

There is not just one form of intelligence, as psychologists long claimed. There are many kinds, says Gardner in a now widely accepted view. A person can have one kind in high degree and be deficient, or even wholly lacking, in others. More >>

Velvel: Names Of The Washington Pro Sports Teams

Wednesday, 27 February 2008, 10:40 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

That word "moronic" set off thoughts in my mind about the names of the Washington sports teams. They are called the Redskins (football), the Wizards (basketball), the Nationals (baseball), the Capitals, or Caps (hockey). More >>

Lawrence R. Velvel: The NYT, Cable TV, And McCain

Friday, 22 February 2008, 10:41 am | Lawrence R. Velvel

The disgrace called cable news is trying to pretend that this story is really about a possible illicit romantic relationship. That is news media spin. It is cable television bovine defecation. What the story is all about, in reality, is hypocrisy. More >>

Lawrence R. Velvel: Clarence Thomas, Autobiography

Thursday, 21 February 2008, 1:58 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

Thomas is an avatar of hard work, discipline in one's work and heavy reliance on one's self and one's own efforts, as the road to success. Amen, brother. That may be the 1950s talking, particularly now when we know any bum can be successful. More >>

Lawrence R. Velvel: The Great Louis Terkel

Thursday, 31 January 2008, 7:48 pm | Lawrence R. Velvel

Terkel went through a period when he was regularly watched and investigated by the FBI because he was a man of the left, which in those days meant you would be closely watched by Jedgar Hoover's boys, as a possible dangerous commie. More >>