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'Who Would Jesus Debate?' - White House Transcript
Thursday, 7 October 2004, 11:32 am | Lee Waters
PRESIDENT BUSH: Dammit, Turdblossom, I told you these debates were wrong. Why do I have to answer to some liberal homosexual Senator. Why does Dick have to sit with that wimp ambulance chaser. It sends a mixed message. It tells people we have a system ... More >>
Satire: Leaked White House Transcript
Thursday, 16 September 2004, 11:32 am | Lee Waters
PRESIDENT BUSH: Hey hey hey!!! How about that wimp John Kerry. Are these guys pushovers or what? KARL ROVE: No time to get cocky, George. We've still got six weeks to go. PRESIDENT BUSH: What is that? Twenty-two days? We can handle it. More >>
Satire: Why Isn't David Souter Dead? WH Transcript
Wednesday, 19 May 2004, 1:49 pm | Lee Waters
PRESIDENT BUSH: Alright, gentlemen. You really screwed up this time. We have very serious business to discuss. More >>