Magna Carta Society - Latest News [Page 1]
Forests (West Coast Accord) Bill
Saturday, 3 June 2000, 10:39 am | Magna Carta Society
The Magna Carta Society has issued a strongly worded statement over Government's intention to legislate the 1986 West Coast Accord out of existence. More >>
Baby's Blood - Property Rights
Tuesday, 17 August 1999, 5:46 pm | Magna Carta Society
The paternity blood-access ruling highlighted in the Auckland High Court last week seems to raise property as well as privacy issues. John Howard, who is the head researcher for the Magna Carta Society, says. More >>
Chief Justice Asked To Consider Schier Kids Case
Tuesday, 29 June 1999, 8:21 pm | Magna Carta Society
The Magna Carta Society has written to the Chief Justice, Dame Sian Elias, asking whether the Court of Appeal can reopen the case over the removal of the Schier children from New Zealand. More >>
Delamere Urged To Rethink Over Schier Family
Thursday, 24 June 1999, 4:29 pm | Magna Carta Society
The Magna Carta Society is urging Immigration Minister, Tuariki Delamere, to rethink his decision to remove Petra Schier and her children from New Zealand this Sunday. More >>