Michel Chossudovsky - Latest News [Page 6]
Michel Chossudovsky: Iraq & The War On Terrorism
Tuesday, 20 April 2004, 11:24 am | Michel Chossudovsky
While the Western media highlights the death and ''kidnapping'' of paid mercenaries, on contract to Western security firms, there is a deafening silence on the massacre of more than 700 civilians in Fallujah by coalition forces. More >>
Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
Wednesday, 7 April 2004, 12:11 am | Michel Chossudovsky
Since the US led invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, the Golden Crescent opium trade has soared. According to the US media, this lucrative contraband is protected by Osama, the Taliban, not to mention, of course, the regional warlords, in defiance ... More >>
Chossudovsky: US Sponsored Coup d'Etat In Haiti
Monday, 1 March 2004, 5:29 pm | Michel Chossudovsky
The armed insurrection which contributed to unseating President Aristide on February 29th 2004 was the result of a carefully staged military-intelligence operation. More >>
Global Research: The Criminalization of the State
Monday, 16 February 2004, 1:24 pm | Michel Chossudovsky
America’s leaders in Washington and Wall Street firmly believe in the righteousness of war and authoritarian forms of government as a means to ''safeguarding democratic values''. More >>
War Propaganda and the Capture of Saddam Hussein
Monday, 29 December 2003, 3:23 pm | Michel Chossudovsky
Saddam Hussein, identified in military jargon as a "High Value Target" (HVT) was allegedly found caught in a dirt-tunnel hideout near a remote farm some 12 km south of Tikrit: More >>
Michel Chossudovsky: The Bipartisan War Agenda
Tuesday, 2 December 2003, 12:32 am | Michel Chossudovsky
As we go to press, the borders of Syria are being threatened. The Bush administration has identified Syria as the next stage of "the road map to war". More >>
Pentagon Wants To Scrap Democracy In America
Friday, 28 November 2003, 12:19 am | Michel Chossudovsky
In the wake of the Iraq war, 18 Iraqis and 2 Jordanians introduced a class action law suit in a Brussels Court against General Franks, Commander of the US Armed Forces in Iraq. More >>
Story on Deaths of Saddam's Sons "Wags the Dog"
Thursday, 31 July 2003, 9:22 am | Michel Chossudovsky
The deaths of the sons of Saddam Hussein in a high profile ''shoot-out'' in the northern city of Mosul arrive at a most opportune moment for President Bush and his entourage. More >>
Baghdad Bombing Staves Off Financial Uncertainty
Wednesday, 21 February 2001, 9:03 am | Michel Chossudovsky
Michel Chossudovsky Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of The Globalization of Poverty, second edition, Common Courage Press, 2001. On Friday February 16th, spurred on by the dot-com implosion and the climactic downfall of Nortel Networks ... More >>