New Zealand Banking Reform - Latest News [Page 1]
Michael Rowbotham's Meetings In NZ
Tuesday, 7 August 2001, 4:31 pm | New Zealand Banking Reform
We would like to invite you to a public meeting and debate on Monday August 27th, 7.30 pm at the Memorial Theatre, Students Union, Victoria University, where British author Michael Rowbotham will debate with Michael Reddell, Chief Manager, Financial ... More >>
Public Meeting On Local Govt. Interest Free Loans
Wednesday, 18 April 2001, 4:39 pm | New Zealand Banking Reform
When faced with raising money for essential capital works like upgrading sewerage, why should Councils pay for expensive loans from overseas owned banks when our Reserve Bank can create this money interest free? Why are we paying more for our rates than ... More >>
Open Letter To Independent Monetary Policy Review
Friday, 9 February 2001, 6:26 pm | New Zealand Banking Reform
Professor Svensson, Dr Michael Cullen and the secretariat of the Independent Review of the Operation of Monetary Policy. More >>
Meeting Tonight: Are the Banks ripping you off?
Monday, 11 December 2000, 10:17 am | New Zealand Banking Reform
Explanatory Note: Two of the speakers at this meeting Deidre Kent and Finlay Thompson have been columnists for Scoop since June writing the Eco-Economy column, earlier they formed New Zealand Banking Reform, a group calling for reform of the financial ... More >>
Where Has All The Money Gone?
Friday, 16 June 2000, 1:09 pm | New Zealand Banking Reform
Finance Minister Michael Cullen is struggling to find the money to implement the Labour led government's program. More >>
Bankers' Central Bank Warns of US Bubble Will Pop
Friday, 16 June 2000, 12:57 am | New Zealand Banking Reform
Our export led recovery could soon be in trouble according to a Bank for International Settlements (BIS) report issued June 5. More >>
NZ Banking Reform Group Started
Wednesday, 31 May 2000, 9:39 am | New Zealand Banking Reform
A new banking reform group, aiming to restore the government's sovereign right to create and issue the nation's currency, has been formed. More >>
Some Quotes For Dr Brash To Think About
Friday, 19 May 2000, 4:40 pm | New Zealand Banking Reform
While the Reserve Bank Governor thinks about his response to the question posed by New Zealand Banking Reform in an earlier release (See… Dr Brash Invited To Explain Money Creation System ), the following are a few interesting statements from other ... More >>
Dr Brash Invited To Explain Money Creation System
Thursday, 18 May 2000, 12:12 am | New Zealand Banking Reform
The newly formed New Zealand Banking Reform group would like to invite the Governor of the Reserve Bank, Don Brash, to explain in plain English to the public the nature of the process of money creation. More >>
Time To Start Talking Reform Of The Banking System
Wednesday, 17 May 2000, 11:57 am | New Zealand Banking Reform
Our banking system is built on a lie. It is rotten at the core, and now we are called upon to hold our humanity high, reach into the heart of the financial system and clean out the stinking rot. More >>