New Zealand Republic - Latest News [Page 2]
Matariki Public Holiday Call Supported
Thursday, 21 May 2020, 8:48 am | New Zealand Republic
“New Zealand Republic welcomes calls to make Matariki a public holiday. We have a petition to parliament to designate a day to be observed every year to mark the Māori New Year” said Lewis Holden, Campaign Chair of New Zealand Republic. New ... More >>
New Zealand’s Future In The Commonwealth
Monday, 9 March 2020, 9:17 am | New Zealand Republic
“Today is Commonwealth Day, a time worth reflecting on New Zealand’s future in the Commonwealth,” said Lewis Holden, campaign chair of New Zealand Republic. “The majority of members of the Commonwealth now have their own independent heads ... More >>
Waitangi Day a Time to Commemorate And Celebrate
Thursday, 6 February 2020, 9:49 am | New Zealand Republic
“Waitangi Day is a day to commemorate and celebrate. A day to recognise that the relationship and ongoing reconciliation discussions enabled by the Treaty - Te Tiriti o Waitangi are binding us together in a way that makes cultural diversity a strength” ... More >>
Charles' Waitangi visit highlights Kāwanatanga as partner
Wednesday, 20 November 2019, 10:04 am | New Zealand Republic
"Prince Charles’ visit to Waitangi today, the first by a Royal in a quarter-century, highlights Moana Jackson’s view that it is kāwanatanga that is the Treaty partner," said Lewis Holden, campaign chair of New Zealand Republic. More >>
Royal tour won't make Prince Charles popular
Friday, 11 October 2019, 11:24 am | New Zealand Republic
"The latest Royal tour of Prince Charles and his wife Camilla won't fix the next in line for the British throne's popularity problem in New Zealand" said Lewis Holden, campaign chair of New Zealand Republic. More >>
New Zealand Republic launches Matariki holiday petition
Thursday, 11 July 2019, 10:00 am | New Zealand Republic
New Zealand Republic has launched a petition to make Matariki a public holiday, using parliament's petitions website. More >>
Majority of New Zealanders want a New Zealand head of state
Friday, 17 May 2019, 10:34 am | New Zealand Republic
"The latest opinion poll results are in, and 55% of New Zealanders want a New Zealander as our next head of state, only 39% want the next British monarch. This is the third poll in the past three years showing a majority support for an independent ... More >>
Britain’s royals fail yet again to promote NZ trade
Monday, 29 April 2019, 10:37 am | New Zealand Republic
"Prince Charles is to act as a trade emissary on instruction from the British government. New Zealand needs a head of state who will represent our interests overseas without any conflicts of interest," said Lewis Holden, campaign chair of New ... More >>
Prince Charles "won't intervene", so what's the point?
Friday, 9 November 2018, 4:28 pm | New Zealand Republic
“In an interview to air tonight on the BBC, Prince Charles states that he won’t “interfere with the affairs of state” if he becomes King. This is a huge admission and confirms his earlier statement in New Zealand that he did not want to intervene ... More >>
Royal tour kicks off with falling support for the monarchy
Saturday, 27 October 2018, 5:06 pm | New Zealand Republic
"On the eve of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan's Royal visit, it's clear the popularity of the young Royals isn't growing support for the monarchy amongst young New Zealanders," said Lewis Holden, campaign chair of New Zealand Republic. More >>
Royal wedding didn't dent republic support
Wednesday, 23 May 2018, 9:14 am | New Zealand Republic
"The latest poll results show support for the next Head of State to be a New Zealander is still in the majority, 18 percentage points clear of support for the British Monarch" said NZ Republic campaign spokesman Savage. More >>
Preparing for the end of the Queen's reign
Friday, 20 April 2018, 8:39 am | New Zealand Republic
The Commonwealth heads of government are discussing and possibly deciding who will be the next symbolic head of the Commonwealth after Queen Elizabeth. More >>
Gold Coast Games provoking increased Head of State debate
Friday, 6 April 2018, 10:01 am | New Zealand Republic
"It is no surprise the Head of State debate in both Australia and NZ has increased with Charles and Camilla visiting the Games" said Savage, spokesman for NZ Republic. More >>
Commonwealth Games: majority of nations republics
Monday, 2 April 2018, 1:59 pm | New Zealand Republic
Our message for the games is simple. Becoming a republic and having our own Head of State does not require a change to Commonwealth membership. The majority of member states are already republics and six have their own Monarchy (15 have someone else's). ... More >>
A written, codified constitution for New Zealand
Wednesday, 18 May 2016, 10:22 am | New Zealand Republic
The Right Honourable Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Distinguished Fellow, New Zealand Centre for Public Law, Victoria University of Wellington. This lecture arises out of research by Sir Geoffrey Palmer and Dr Andrew Butler, funded by the New Zealand Law Foundation, ... More >>
Support grows for Kiwi Head of State – latest poll
Sunday, 3 May 2015, 2:00 pm | New Zealand Republic
A new poll reveals that support for a New Zealand Head of State has overtaken support for a British Monarch, says New Zealand Republic spokesperson Dean Knight. More >>
New Zealander more popular option than British Monarch
Sunday, 3 May 2015, 1:59 pm | New Zealand Republic
New Zealander more popular option than British Monarch Good news today with our annual polling shows Kiwis are increasingly in favour of a Kiwi Head of State. More >>
Outdated Oath shows need for Kiwi Head of State
Monday, 20 October 2014, 9:49 am | New Zealand Republic
MPs are sworn in today and New Zealand Republic has written to MPs asking them to talk about why 121 New Zealanders elected by the people of New Zealand and standing in the New Zealand Parliament swear allegiance to another country's Head of State. More >>
Majority of Commonwealth countries are already republics
Thursday, 24 July 2014, 11:18 am | New Zealand Republic
The Glasgow Commonwealth Games are here and it's a common misbelief that a Kiwi republic would mean that New Zealand would have to leave the Commonwealth. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. More >>
Royal visit no king hit
Friday, 11 July 2014, 11:06 am | New Zealand Republic
Support for a Kiwi Head of State is still high after April's royal tour. More >>