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New Zealand Republican Party - Latest News [Page 1]

Clark in denial again

Tuesday, 19 February 2008, 10:42 am | New Zealand Republican Party

Prime Minister Helen Clark says she does not believe there is a looming "power crisis" in New Zealand and has blamed opposition MPs for sensationalising the issue. More >>

By Land or by Sea

Tuesday, 13 November 2007, 1:38 pm | New Zealand Republican Party

The sinking of four ships including an oil tanker, and the possibility of four others breaking up, as a result of a storm in the Azov and Black Seas on Sunday highlights the dangers that modern transportation systems face, says Republicans Transport spokesman ... More >>

Minister Performs Emergency Surgery

Monday, 12 November 2007, 4:35 pm | New Zealand Republican Party

Capital and Coast District Health Board has been transferred to the intensive care of the new Health Minister, David Cuniliffe says Republican’s Health spokesperson Karl Brett. More >>

Republicans Defend Corrections Department

Monday, 12 November 2007, 2:51 pm | New Zealand Republican Party

The Republican Party today defended the Corrections Department against “uninformed, knee-jerk bullying” after the National Party criticized low security classifications for some murderers. More >>

Republican Party: Challenge to Winston

Monday, 12 November 2007, 2:34 pm | New Zealand Republican Party

Republicans candidate for Tauranga Hans, Laven is issuing a challenge to NZ First Leader Winston Peters. More >>

Automatic Protection Orders

Thursday, 1 November 2007, 1:50 pm | New Zealand Republican Party

“The National Party is lining up to be the next social engineering party,” says Republicans family spokesman Jim Bagnall. More >>

Time to back our boys

Thursday, 20 September 2007, 10:34 am | New Zealand Republican Party

“Failures in our workforce start in the education system, and the ongoing effects will impact severely on our labour force and economy,” says Republicans employment spokesman Dave Llewell. More >>

Human Rights Commission

Wednesday, 19 September 2007, 2:26 pm | New Zealand Republican Party

The Human Rights Commission has been taken to task today by the Republic of NZ Party, after a media release from EEO Commissioner Dr Judy McGregor, urged “Women to vote in the up-coming local body elections and to consider voting for quality female candidates.” More >>

Time to test the Green Vote

Tuesday, 18 September 2007, 11:59 am | New Zealand Republican Party

“This Saturday the Republicans will head to Thames, to test the Green Vote,” says Republican Leader Kerry Bevin. More >>

Minimum Wage Amendment Bill

Thursday, 6 September 2007, 10:04 am | New Zealand Republican Party

Green MP Sue Bradford's Minimum Wage Amendment Bill, due to have its third and final reading in Parliament tonight, is nothing more than a waste of parliamentary time, says Republicans employment spokesman Dave Llewell. More >>

Labour-Education meltdown

Monday, 3 September 2007, 1:51 pm | New Zealand Republican Party

“The Education Ministry of this Labour Government is in melt down mode and Secondary Teachers are again, forced to threaten strike action”, exclaims Paul Haynes, Education Spokesperson for the Republicans. More >>

Republicans beat the feet in New Lynn

Thursday, 19 April 2007, 12:00 am | New Zealand Republican Party

New Lynn candidate, Dave Llewell, and Party Leader Kerry Bevin, along with other Republican supporters hit the streets of West Auckland this week, in advance of the West Auckland, “Meet the Republicans” More >>

Time To Move On

Tuesday, 7 February 2006, 9:36 am | New Zealand Republican Party

New Zealand should be planning to adopt a Constitution after Treaty claims are settled says Wayne Hawkins, Constitutional Affairs spokesperson for the Republic of New Zealand Party (The Republicans). More >>

Kids Come First

Tuesday, 7 February 2006, 9:35 am | New Zealand Republican Party

Many children returning to school have already been robbed of their human rights says Jim Bagnall, Children’s Rights spokesperson for The Republic of New Zealand Party (The Republicans) More >>

Republicans Ask Who IS Really Mad?

Monday, 19 December 2005, 10:43 am | New Zealand Republican Party

The Republic of New Zealand Party Health Spokesperson, Jack Gielen, wants to know who is really mad. More >>

Republicans say Maori Separatism Continues

Friday, 4 November 2005, 9:47 am | New Zealand Republican Party

The Maori Party’s demand for the entrenchment of the Maori seats continues the dangerous trend towards separatism says The Republic of New Zealand Party Political Leader, Kerry Bevin. More >>

Republicans ask: Where’s The Strike Wing?

Monday, 19 September 2005, 9:38 am | New Zealand Republican Party

Saturday night’s episode when a pilot threatened to crash a plane into the Sky Tower graphically illustrates the need for an air strike capability says The Republic of New Zealand Party President Craig Brownlees. More >>

Republic Party Says: Maori Separatism Continues

Monday, 19 September 2005, 8:52 am | New Zealand Republican Party

The Maori Party’s demand for the entrenchment of the Maori seats continues the dangerous trend towards separatism says The Republic of New Zealand Party Political Leader, Kerry Bevin. More >>

NZ - Republican Party Social Sunday 5th May Tokero

Thursday, 28 April 2005, 9:46 am | New Zealand Republican Party

The NZ Republicans will be socialising and promoting the Party at Trees Tavern Tokeroa 1500 Sunday More >>