Otautahi Christchurch - Latest News [Page 1]
Students Articulate Passion for Nature
Friday, 21 June 2019, 7:59 pm | Otautahi Christchurch
‘Blame is as toxic as the damage we have done’! A strong statement from one of the student competitors in the inaugural Speaking for the Planet inter-school speech and art competition held at Tūranga on Friday 7th June. More >>
Aotearoa is Not for Sale - Hikoi support walk
Friday, 27 April 2012, 9:53 am | Otautahi Christchurch
This local Hikoi support walk is inspired by the national Aotearoa is not for sale Hikoi that is currently making its way down to Wellington from the top of the north island and is expected to grow in numbers in Auckland on Saturday when Otautahi/Christchurch ... More >>