Sea Turtle Restoration Group - Latest News [Page 1]
Scientist Warns of Threat to Endangered Turtle
Thursday, 9 March 2006, 9:14 pm | Sea Turtle Restoration Group
A major conservation effort, led by Dr Brendan Godley of the University of Exeter, has just got underway to help protect endangered leatherback turtles which nest in Gabon, West Africa. The region is thought to be the animals'last global stronghold, ... More >>
UN Sea Turtle Recommendations Ignored by Fisheries
Wednesday, 15 February 2006, 3:25 pm | Sea Turtle Restoration Group
Environmentalists Renew Call for Pacific Longline Moratorium at Start of UN High Seas Biodiversity Meeting More >>
Fisheries Com Fails to Act to Save Sea Turtles
Monday, 19 December 2005, 10:30 am | Sea Turtle Restoration Group
Pohnpei, Micronesia – This week Japan undermined the new Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission's initiative to protect endangered sea turtles. Japan's delegation rebuffed calls by the United States, Forum Fisheries Agency (an organization of Pacific ... More >>
UN Calls for Closures to Protect Sea Turtles
Monday, 28 November 2005, 8:52 am | Sea Turtle Restoration Group
Forest Knolls, California – Today, the United Nations General Assembly will vote on a resolution that calls for closures of fishing in areas where large numbers of critically endangered sea turtles are caught or killed. The critically endangered ... More >>