Shock Records - Latest News [Page 1]
Kitty Daisy & Lewis
Monday, 21 September 2009, 1:08 pm | Shock Records
Stacked up in the hallway of Kitty, Daisy and Lewis’ North London home are roughly fourteen guitars. To the left is a room with a late ‘40s RCA pre-amp studded with big Bakelite dials, reel-to-reel machines and all manner of post-war vintage equipment. ... More >>
Ladies And Gentlemen, Ween!
Wednesday, 14 November 2007, 2:06 pm | Shock Records
embargoed until 14th November You Wanted The Best, You Got The Best! Ladies And Gentlemen, Ween! Ten years. TEN BLOODY YEARS we've been waiting - for the return of Pennsylvania-via-New Jersey's finest export since the Amish rocking chair, WEEN. Just think.. since that ... More >>