The Icehouse - Latest News [Page 2]
Wanted - Notorious Kiwi Business Owners
Monday, 23 June 2014, 12:01 pm | The Icehouse
The Icehouse if offering three reward packages of $2,000 worth of business growth support for Notorious Kiwi Business Owners as part of their Wanted campaign. More >>
The Icehouse to bring startup accelerator to Auckland
Tuesday, 29 April 2014, 11:10 am | The Icehouse
International research from Cambridge University suggests that startups participating in accelerator programmes are up to 15% more likely to survive over a five year period and are also more likely to be acquired. More >>
First comprehensive self-assessment tool for business owners
Wednesday, 9 April 2014, 12:26 pm | The Icehouse
The Icehouse this week has launched a tool for businesses to quickly discover their biggest opportunities for growth. The Business of International Quality (BIQ™) Barometer is an online tool which gauges the performance of New Zealand businesses. More >>
Research leads to new workshops targeted at Kiwi SMEs
Thursday, 20 March 2014, 3:55 pm | The Icehouse
78% of Kiwi business owners want more access to experts within a specific area of business. The most important factors considered when assessing training options are value for money and minimising time away from their business. That’s the result ... More >>
The New Zealand SME Business Network reaches its goal
Tuesday, 10 December 2013, 2:29 pm | The Icehouse
Today, the NZ SME Business Network reached an important milestone of 5,000 members continuing to build its profile as a professionally recognized network-of-influence and powerful voice in the SME ecosystem. The Network was founded in 2011 by Tenby ... More >>
Bill Payne Full Days Workshop on Start-up Funding
Monday, 7 October 2013, 4:18 pm | The Icehouse
The Icehouse, in partnership with Creative HQ, Microsoft, NZTE and NZVIF, is offering entrepreneurs in Auckland and Wellington the opportunity to attend a full day workshop to get an in-depth overview of the world of start-up capital from Bill Payne, one ... More >>
Grocery Shopping Becomes So Much Easier
Tuesday, 17 September 2013, 10:13 am | The Icehouse
Supermarket Online (SO) is a new grocery e-store designed with the customer in mind and a goal of creating a better online shopping experience. More >>
The Icehouse signs partnership with TusPark
Wednesday, 11 September 2013, 12:18 pm | The Icehouse
The Icehouse signs partnership with TusPark The Icehouse has signed a partnership with Tinghua University Science Park (Tus-Park) Beijing for the establishment of a China Market Development Hub At the Tus-Park Innovation Forum in Xi’An, China, ... More >>
Tech Trailblazers Awards partners with The Icehouse
Tuesday, 10 September 2013, 11:07 am | The Icehouse
The Tech Trailblazers Awards and New Zealand’s Business Growth Hub The Icehouse are partnering to bring the best enterprise Start-Ups into the global awards contest. More >>
Two networks combine to empower Kiwi SMEs
Friday, 6 September 2013, 2:54 pm | The Icehouse
From today, The New Zealand SME Business Network and The Icehouse will partner to provide support for SMEs and give them a voice to influence national policies. This partnership will see the NZ SME Business Network LinkedIn Group managed by the Icehouse. More >>
The Icehouse and Telecom combine to grow better business
Tuesday, 3 September 2013, 11:27 am | The Icehouse
The Icehouse and Telecom get together to grow better business The Icehouse and Telecom are putting on the first of what they hope will become a monthly meet for Kiwi business owners and leaders in SMEs. ‘Growing Better Business’ is an after-work meet providing ... More >>
The Icehouse Connects Entrepreneurs to Help Solve Problems
Monday, 26 August 2013, 1:54 pm | The Icehouse
For the next four weeks The Icehouse is opening up its extensive network to help kiwi entrepreneurs find answers to their most critical questions. From August 26 till September 13 anyone in business in NZ can submit their questions. More >>
Kiwi business people share networking habits
Monday, 12 August 2013, 2:31 pm | The Icehouse
92% of business people say that networking is a key part of professional development and business success, yet 96% of the same group say we can improve our networking skills. More >>
ICEHOUSE welcomes new talent to Board
Monday, 15 July 2013, 1:59 pm | The Icehouse
Andy Shenk, CEO of Auckland UniServices, has joined the board of The ICEHOUSE, a company that is focussed on helping Kiwi businesses grow. Mr Shenk has a strong background in the commercialisation of research products after working as Chief Scientist at ... More >>
ICEHOUSE Co-Founder named as Officer of NZ Order of Merit
Wednesday, 5 June 2013, 12:47 pm | The Icehouse
ICEHOUSE co-founder David Irving has been recognised in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours. More >>
US specialist, Rob Adams returns to NZ to help businesses
Thursday, 9 May 2013, 3:06 pm | The Icehouse
After two highly successful visits, internationally renowned start-up investor, author, consultant and former top-level executive Dr. Rob Adams is returning to New Zealand. This is his third consecutive trip as part of The ICEHOUSE International Entrepreneur ... More >>
The ICEHOUSE receives a warm reception in Hawke’s Bay
Friday, 19 April 2013, 10:44 am | The Icehouse
The ICEHOUSE receives a warm reception in Hawke’s Bay Business growth engine for New Zealand, The ICEHOUSE officially launched in Hawke’s Bay last night. More >>
Dive into Start-up Capital – Start-up Entrepreneurs Workshop
Monday, 12 November 2012, 2:42 pm | The Icehouse
The ICEHOUSE is offering start-up entrepreneurs the opportunity to attend a full day workshop to get an in-depth overview of the world of start-up capital from Bill Payne, one of the US’s most decorated Angel Investors, and leading New Zealand ... More >>
The ICEHOUSE Announces New Chair Chris Quin
Monday, 15 October 2012, 9:24 am | The Icehouse
The ICEHOUSE today announced that Chris Quin, recently appointed CEO of the Telecom Retail business unit has taken over as Chair replacing Greg Cross who is leaving the board as his own entrepreneurial activities demand more of his time offshore. More >>
The ICEHOUSE and ATEED partner to fuel city’s businesses
Thursday, 11 October 2012, 9:06 am | The Icehouse
Top business growth centre The ICEHOUSE and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) have formalised their partnership to help create an environment in which Auckland’s innovative high-growth businesses can thrive. More >>