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The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota - Latest News [Page 1]

Ridiculous CEO salaries in aged-care

Monday, 15 June 2015, 2:00 pm | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

Ridiculous CEO salaries in aged-care On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the union representing aged-care workers is extremely disappointed to see the CEOs of aged-care providers earning megabucks while many of their employees are paid a pittance. Three ... More >>

Mental Health Workers Win Discrimination Case Against PACT

Thursday, 7 March 2013, 9:31 am | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

Community support workers employed by Dunedin based care provider PACT have won an important discrimination case against their employer over a dispute that dates back to 2011. More >>

Union challenges non-payment of travel time for home workers

Sunday, 25 November 2012, 10:32 am | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

One year after winning the historic case for payment of sleepovers for disability support workers, the Service and Food Workers Union has filed another landmark case. More >>

Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand Campaign launch

Monday, 21 May 2012, 12:03 pm | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

On Wednesday 23 May, a new campaign to fight poverty and inequality will be launched in Auckland. The launch will mark the beginning of a new community movement, with a goal to end poverty wages and achieve a living wage for all workers. More >>

Meagre Pay Rises Don’t Cut it for Working Poor

Tuesday, 1 May 2012, 2:46 pm | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

“Minuscule pay rises have little impact on the lowest paid workers in New Zealand who are increasingly slipping into poverty,” said Service and Food Workers Union National Secretary John Ryall today. More >>

Living Wage Needed Now Says Union

Thursday, 19 April 2012, 2:41 pm | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

Service And Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota Media Release 19 April 2012 Living Wage Needed Now Says Union The union representing 23,000 of New Zealand’s lowest paid workers has welcomed the political discussion on the need for a living wage. ... More >>

Stopwork Meetings As Oceania Industrial Action Escalates

Monday, 12 March 2012, 12:06 pm | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

12 March 2012 Staff at Oceania rest homes around the country will decide at stopwork meetings on Wednesday whether to extend their nine-month industrial dispute. Members of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) and the Service and Food Workers Union, ... More >>

English admits workers can’t survive on Nats minimum wage

Sunday, 6 November 2011, 9:12 pm | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

The Service Workers Union Ngā Ringa Tota said today that Bill English’s admission that people can’t live on the minimum wage showed National is prepared to condemn thousands of working families to poverty. When asked if people can live on the current ... More >>

Nasty turn at Pact

Friday, 28 October 2011, 9:58 am | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

Union members at Otago/Southland disability support provider Pact have reacted with anger and concern after their employer issued suspension notices earlier today. More >>

Uncovering poverty in Parliament — today

Wednesday, 5 October 2011, 9:49 am | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

Parliamentary cleaners who are members of The Service and Food Workers Union Ngā Ringa Tota will host a lunch for Parliamentary media today, Wednesday 5 October. More >>

“Too little too late”- workers to Government sleepover offer

Wednesday, 13 July 2011, 5:56 pm | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

Over 90 percent of PSA and SFWU union members have rejected an offer from Government to settle the long-running sleepover case. The unions started legal action in 2007 to seek the minimum wage for sleepovers. The sleepover cases are also seeking six ... More >>

What about the workers?

Sunday, 3 April 2011, 11:32 am | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

What about the workers? The plan to reconstruct earthquake-shattered Christchurch must include a plan to reconstruct the shattered lives of the people of Christchurch. More >>

12,000 New Zealanders oppose fishing jobs being exported

Monday, 14 February 2011, 10:05 am | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

A petition signed by 12,000 New Zealanders concerned that the fishing industry is exporting New Zealand jobs is being presented at Parliament today. (Monday February 14. 11.30am in front of Parliament) The signatures have been gathered by members ... More >>

Rendezvous hotel workers locked out by bully

Saturday, 19 June 2010, 1:50 pm | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota has condemned the Rendezvous hotel in Auckland for locking out their housekeeping staff, and has today filed an injunction seeking removal of the lockout. More >>

IHC Workers Continue Action Over Wage Freeze

Wednesday, 14 April 2010, 10:05 am | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

Community support workers employed by intellectual disability provider IHC are continuing their action to get a wage increase. Today[Wednesday 14 April] workers in Manukau East will hold a picket outside the Idea Services office in Lambie Drive at 11.30am. More >>

Latest IHC Decision Welcomed

Monday, 14 December 2009, 10:30 am | The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota

The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota has welcomed another decision by the Employment Court that has confirmed the right of disability support workers to be paid the minimum wage of $12.50 for every hour on duty during sleepovers. More >>