Tim Buchholz - Latest News [Page 1]
Can They Do That?
Thursday, 27 November 2008, 9:33 am | Tim Buchholz
Well, it started with $700 billion. Actually, it started before that with the Fed helping Chase take over Bear Sterns, and then saving AIG, and then … well, you were there. But let’s get back to $700 billion. Under what some say were threats ... More >>
Tim Buchholz: Just a Suggestion
Thursday, 6 November 2008, 1:30 pm | Tim Buchholz
Well, I voted today. Dragged myself out of bed an hour early and went down before work. I thought I was prepared, ready to go on all the issues. Everybody seemed in a surprisingly good mood, considering we were standing in line. I made it up to my ... More >>
A (Slight) Win for the Good Guys?
Thursday, 16 October 2008, 1:46 pm | Tim Buchholz
American Paul Krugman just won the Nobel Prize for Economics, and in a recent interview on NPR, the host said that, due to the timing of the award, everyone is going to be looking to him for an answer to this economic crisis. Krugman, who also writes ... More >>
The Nuclear Showdown: The Battle over Enrichment
Tuesday, 12 August 2008, 1:56 pm | Tim Buchholz
Tensions appeared to be easing between the United States and Iran. The U.S. has hinted at creating an embassy in Iran, the first since the 1979 hostage crisis. According to an article by Ewen MacAskill from July 18th in the Sydney Morning Herald, "The ... More >>
Failed Project for the New American Century?
Thursday, 12 June 2008, 11:26 am | Tim Buchholz
It was early morning (for me) when my roommate got a call from his mother in Wisconsin telling him to turn on the TV. That’s when we saw the first building on fire. We ran to our roof in Brooklyn that overlooked Manhattan and saw the plumes of smoke ... More >>
Tim Buchholz: Who would you help?
Saturday, 22 March 2008, 2:58 pm | Tim Buchholz
The Federal Reserve recently announced they would be releasing an additional $200 Billion into the market to help ease the credit crunch brought on by the sub-prime mortgage crisis. They are releasing this “liquidity” in the form of “Treasury ... More >>
What else is on?
Saturday, 8 March 2008, 6:53 pm | Tim Buchholz
What happened to the Flower Power of the 70's? Did we use it all up? Drain our reserves already? Or have we given up on our ability to make a difference? And while burning bras and free love may have not done a lot toward ending the war, at least large ... More >>