United States Green Party - Latest News [Page 4]
Greens Condemn Democrat Nominee for FEC
Tuesday, 12 August 2003, 6:23 pm | United States Green Party
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party members sharply criticized Democrats for selecting Robert Lenhard, an opponent of campaign finance reform, for a seat on the Federal Election Commission. More >>
Greens Challenge D's R's: Ensure Fair Elections
Tuesday, 12 August 2003, 6:22 pm | United States Green Party
Calling an engineered election the 'real spoiler' in 2000, Greens demand close public scrutiny, repeal of racially biased state voting rules and practices, and reforms such as Instant Runoff Voting and Proportional Representation. More >>
Wartime Contracts Favor Bush's Corporate Cronies
Friday, 4 April 2003, 2:02 pm | United States Green Party
Greens see extensive war profiteering by firms with White House and Pentagon connections, while Bush urges Americans -- especially troops and veterans -- to sacrifice. More >>
Greens Call For A Rachel Corrie Murder Inquiry
Tuesday, 25 March 2003, 8:31 am | United States Green Party
As Israeli military forces attack a memorial service for Corrie, Greens renew the call for suspension of U.S. aid to Israel, and warn that the Sharon government, taking advantage of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and U.N. turmoil, might try to evict Palestinians ... More >>
Threat To Democracy
Tuesday, 19 November 2002, 12:15 am | United States Green Party
Poll watchers, election officials, even the Secretary of State are not allowed to examine the computer software, which is what determines how the votes are counted. This amounts to an illegal secret ballot count. More >>
Open Letter to the Democratic Party - Ralph Nader
Wednesday, 6 November 2002, 1:33 pm | United States Green Party
The Democrats should have an easy time winning control of the House of Representatives and the Senate in next week's election. Recession is deepening, unemployment is rising, and corporate corruption headlines are proliferating. Health care costs, drug prices ... More >>
No Blood For Oil - Stop the War Against Ira
Friday, 19 July 2002, 5:44 pm | United States Green Party
qGreen Party USA spokesperson Mitchel Cohen charged today that George Bush's warmongering threats make him a far greater danger to world peace than Saddam Hussein. “I'm no Saddam hugger, but if we want someone to step down from office,” Cohen said, “the ... More >>
Green Party Opponent Of Afghan War Detained in US
Friday, 9 November 2001, 9:57 am | United States Green Party
Armed government agents grabbed Nancy Oden, Green Party USA coordinating committee member, Thursday at Bangor International Airport in Bangor Maine, as she attempted to board an American Airlines flight to Chicago. More >>
Green Party USA Condemns Bombing of Afghanistan
Saturday, 20 October 2001, 4:10 pm | United States Green Party
The Green Party USA condemns the U.S. and British bombing of Afghanistan as inhumane and an act of “state terrorism” against a starving and impoverished nation. The killing of innocent civilians, whether intended or not, is a violation of international law. ... More >>
Green Party USA Statement On Attacks
Monday, 17 September 2001, 11:44 am | United States Green Party
Last Tuesday, some bully socked New York in the jaw knocking out its two front teeth, causing misery and death to large numbers of innocent people. More >>
USA Greens Condemn Bombing Of Iraq
Friday, 23 February 2001, 2:07 pm | United States Green Party
The Greens / Green Party USA condemns President George W. Bush’s bombing of Iraq as well as the ongoing sanctions imposed against that country. A spokesperson for the Greens, Elizabeth Fattah, termed the bombing “an agression against a sovereign ... More >>
Green Party 4th Of July Events In NYC!
Tuesday, 4 July 2000, 4:21 pm | United States Green Party
From the Bill of Rights... to the Tombs The Green Party Celebrates the Struggle for Freedom and Justice in America More >>