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Daily Voting News For 6th July
Tuesday, 7 July 2009, 1:07 pm | www.votersunite.org
How can we get a fair and honest election? In the Philippines, citizens worry about paper-ballot fraud; in India, they worry about electronic-voting fraud; in Iran, many question the results of their recent paper-ballot election; in Colorado, the ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for July 2-3, 2009
Monday, 6 July 2009, 11:54 am | www.votersunite.org
While the goals of the U.S. and the Philippines seem to be the same regarding elections -- fair and fraud-free, their methods are diametrically opposed. The Philippines is desperate to get away from paper ballots and automate their elections, and the ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for July 1, 2009
Thursday, 2 July 2009, 4:34 pm | www.votersunite.org
As the continuation of John Gideon's valued creation, The Daily Voting News, nears its two-month anniversary, those of us who have been fortunate enough to carry on John's work are beginning to understand what will be necessary for its existence ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for June 30, 2009
Wednesday, 1 July 2009, 5:28 pm | www.votersunite.org
As is so often the case, just when everyone had given up all hope of some resolution of the issue, the MN Supreme Court ruled unanimously to affirm the election contest decision made by a lower court and reject the appeal of the non-prevailing candidate, ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for June 20-22, 2009
Tuesday, 23 June 2009, 1:13 pm | www.votersunite.org
The Supreme Court handed down its decision regarding Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. Iran’s Guardian Council admits that over 50 cities had a turnout greater than 100% and denies voting irregularities.... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for June 18, 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009, 6:04 pm | www.votersunite.org
Today's news has a lot of variety, including commentaries and speculation about the Iranian election and the pending Supreme Court decision on the Voting Rights Act... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for June 17, 2009
Thursday, 18 June 2009, 12:46 pm | www.votersunite.org
In Florida, Judge Richard Feder ruled in favor of Broward County’s Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes. In violation of her agreement, Snipes failed to post notices telling voters that a vote for one name on the ballot was actually a vote for Mardi ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for June 16, 2009
Thursday, 18 June 2009, 11:48 am | www.votersunite.org
Yesterday's deluge of articles about Iran turned into an avalanche today. To focus strictly on election-integrity related articles, we cut out many excellent articles about the political ramifications of this historic event.... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for June 14-15, 2009
Wednesday, 17 June 2009, 10:57 am | www.votersunite.org
From the deluge of coverage on Iran, we tried to select representative, information articles that weren't too repetitious. Many whose headlines don't explain why we chose them have annotations so you'll know why. The aftermath of the Iranian election ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' for June 10, 2009
Thursday, 11 June 2009, 1:41 pm | www.votersunite.org
"Netherlands-based" Smartmatic, the winning bidder in the Philippines, says their automated poll equipment is tamper proof. Correction: An article from yesterday, "Witness says commissioners report that Bob Goldsack helped reprogram party ID card ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For June 3, 2009
Thursday, 4 June 2009, 12:07 pm | www.votersunite.org
Today, we introduce a new word -- 'dagdag-bawas'. For the definition, see: LINK ... National: ACORN says it worked to reveal voter registration fraud LINK National: Allow procrastinators to vote, too LINK More >>
'Daily Voting News' for June 01, 2009
Tuesday, 2 June 2009, 2:44 pm | www.votersunite.org
The news from Georgia is confusing: News articles tell us that the U.S. Justice Department has struck down both the Georgia's voter registration database verification rules and its newly passed voter ID law. Our reading of the DoJ letter and the response ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For May 30, 2009
Monday, 1 June 2009, 12:56 pm | www.votersunite.org
Miscellaneous articles about IRV mistabulation, Internet voting, election auditing, Voter ID issues, fraud, and more.... National: New Video Release - Murder, Spies and Voting Lies LINK (Scroll down for the announcement.) Colorado: Error found in ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For May 29, 2009
Monday, 1 June 2009, 11:42 am | www.votersunite.org
Hillsborough County, Florida Supervisor of Elections Phyllis Busansky released her 9-page report on 2008 election problems. A notable quote: “Although it was not the main focus of this report, it should be noted that many of the problems that ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For May 28, 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009, 2:59 pm | www.votersunite.org
More New York counties join the resistance to switching from lever machines to optically scanned ballots. Smartmatic brought the wrong cable to its all-important demo in the Philippines and caused a short circuit in the optical scanner. Voter ID and Internet ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For May 27, 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009, 2:09 pm | www.votersunite.org
Various aspects of Voter ID are in the news today. Texas Democrats defeated their bill. In Kansas, a candidate for Secretary of State claims it’s essential to prevent fraud.... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For May 23-24, 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009, 12:41 pm | www.votersunite.org
Texas ratified the 45-year old constitutional amendment to eliminate the poll tax and continues its voter ID debate. The Internet and phone election in Hawaii came to a close on Friday; Warren Stewart of Verified Voting Foundation points out that ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For May 22, 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009, 11:26 am | www.votersunite.org
Yesterday Jessie Jane Duff, Retired Gunnery Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps and spokesperson for Military Voting Rights USA, testified before Congress on the issue of military and overseas voting. Her testimony told what it is like in the field – that the ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For May 20, 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009, 5:54 pm | www.votersunite.org
Three interesting personal accounts: one from a voter in CA who found that the state-certified InkaVote Plus won't accept write-in votes; another from a candidate in PA who tried three times to vote and didn't get to cast a ballot; and the third from an activist ... More >>
'Daily Voting News' For May 19, 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009, 5:03 pm | www.votersunite.org
The 15-week NJ trial challenging the use e-voting machines concluded today; a ruling is expected by the end of the year. Low turnout in today's CA and PA elections. CO and IN are making good use of the Internet for voters, unlike the IL legislature. ... More >>