Australasian Tapas Championships - Latest News [Page 1]
Turkish Baklava With Kiwi Twist Earns Chef Eda Tunc Australasian Tapas Title
Wednesday, 6 September 2023, 3:32 pm | Australasian Tapas Championships
An unorthodox fusion of New Zealand King salmon and Turkish baklava has earned Cordis Auckland chef Eda Tunc the grand title of 2023 Australasia Tapas Champion. Held yesterday at Ignite Colleges in Manukau, the culinary cookoff saw 29 chefs from both sides ... More >>
Indian Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor In Auckland For Australasian Tapas Champs
Friday, 19 August 2022, 12:20 pm | Australasian Tapas Championships
India’s brightest gastronomic star, trailblazing celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor, has transformed the art of preparing and eating good food for millions of Indian families – and now he’s coming to Auckland to sprinkle his unique brand of foodie ... More >>