Bruce Schillington - Latest News [Page 1]
Enron And The Business Press
Wednesday, 27 February 2002, 11:46 am | Bruce Schillington
Like US congressional leaders, the business press is finally waking up to Enron’s dirty-dealings, and it is now making a great show of going over the carcass. But in a sense this just prompts the question: What the hell was the business press doing ... More >>
The Business Of Space Imaging And The War
Thursday, 20 December 2001, 12:43 am | Bruce Schillington
War normally stimulates technological development - but there are signs that the conflict in Afghanistan may be having the opposite effect. More >>
Microsoft’s US Classroom Monopoly Play
Wednesday, 12 December 2001, 11:46 am | Bruce Schillington
Only a company like Microsoft could be attacked for offering kids free computers. But that was what happened when the company announced recently that it would donate up to $1bn worth of computers and software to more than 12,500 schools in the US. More >>