Campaign for a Better City - Latest News [Page 1]
CBC Letters Relating To Costs Award Against Them
Tuesday, 18 May 2004, 12:59 am | Campaign for a Better City
1 Campaign for a Better City Incorporated (CBC) has carefully evaluated its position following the award of costs against it by the High Court. Over the past three months CBC has undertaken a range of fundraising activities and also made clear the financial ... More >>
CBC asks Transfund to defer bypass consideration
Friday, 30 April 2004, 5:38 pm | Campaign for a Better City
Campaign for a Better City asks Transfund to defer consideration of the Inner-City- Bypass proposal More >>
WTF!? Concrete Ain't Culture
Tuesday, 16 December 2003, 11:22 am | Campaign for a Better City
Wellington --- The WTF!? sound and light carnival returns on Saturday December 20th, bringing sensory overload to Happy, Wellington's newest underground venue. Local legends Imon Starr, Cortina, and the cream of Wellington's musical underground unite, ... More >>
Transit Endangers More Buildings
Thursday, 30 October 2003, 5:25 pm | Campaign for a Better City
Transit New Zealand is evicting yet another tenant from historic Cuba St building in the route of the proposed Inner City “Bypass” tonight. More >>
Public meeting in wake of evictions
Monday, 11 August 2003, 4:54 pm | Campaign for a Better City
CBC will hold a public meeting tomorrow, 12th August, to discuss the next steps over the ‘bypass’ following Transit's continuing attacks on the Te Aro community. Despite the bypass being under review Transit is again evicting tenants along the bypass ... More >>
Public Meeting – Bypass in Doubt
Wednesday, 6 August 2003, 8:48 am | Campaign for a Better City
Campaign for a Better City (CBC) will hold a Public Meeting at Thistle Hall (on the corner of Cuba St. and Arthurs St) on Tuesday, 12 August, starting at 7pm onwards. Hon Mike Ward MP will be among the speakers. More >>
Community get no say on destruction of heritage
Thursday, 31 July 2003, 3:52 pm | Campaign for a Better City
Campaign for a Better City (CBC) is concerned that yesterday’s Environment Court Decision on the Wellington City “Bypass” sets a dangerous precedent, excluding communities from having input into decisions to destroy the physical heritage in which they and ... More >>
Consent for Dental School rooftop apartments
Thursday, 5 June 2003, 4:39 pm | Campaign for a Better City
Campaign for a Better City Inc. (CBC) yesterday lodged an appeal with the Environment Court against the decision of Wellington City Council to grant a resource consent for construction of rooftop apartments on top of the old Dental Clinic in Willis ... More >>
Demonstration to celebrate the community
Friday, 4 April 2003, 10:19 am | Campaign for a Better City
This Friday, 4 April, between 12pm and 1:30pm, Campaign for a Better City will reconfigure three Lambton Quay car parks to create a vibrant community space and invite passers-by to come and interact in this fun, creative and colourful environment. More >>
“Bypass” delay is a great opportunity for Wgtn
Thursday, 23 January 2003, 9:10 am | Campaign for a Better City
‘The delay to Wellington’s inner-city “bypass” provides a great opportunity for our civic leaders to reappraise Wellington’s transport needs.’ said Campaign for a Better City spokesperson, Alan Whiting. ‘The “bypass” and its predecessors have been on ... More >>
CBC appeals HPT Inner City Bypass Decision
Tuesday, 4 June 2002, 10:16 am | Campaign for a Better City
Campaign for a Better City Inc. (CBC) today lodged an appeal with the Environment court against the decision of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust (“the Trust”) to grant Archaeological Authorities to Transit NZ in respect of the Wellington City ... More >>