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John Howard - Latest News [Page 1]

Iraqi Military Build-up On Kuwait Border

Tuesday, 30 July 2002, 1:29 pm | John Howard

Scoop's intelligence sources have reported that Kuwait has drafted emergency plans and cancelled all leave for its civil defence employees until further notice as its military officials report an Iraqi build-up on its border. More >>

Scoop Images: Guy Burns At Ross Fireworks

Tuesday, 6 November 2001, 9:35 am | John Howard

The little town of Ross on the West Coast doubled its population to 600 for the annual Guy Fawkes fireworks festival. More >>

Howard's End: Baby-Boomer Executives Waking Up

Thursday, 5 July 2001, 12:41 am | John Howard

Slow down, stop multi-tasking, work less, follow your heart and soul and work from the centre of yourself. These are messages baby-boomer executives are taking on board as a spiritual awakening travels across the world. Maree Howard writes. More >>

Senator Switches Teams, Undermines Republicans

Thursday, 24 May 2001, 11:48 am | John Howard

U.S. Republican Senator, James Jeffords, 67, of Vermont looks step to make history in a party switch from the Republicans which would strip the GOP of its Senate control and curtail President Bush's ability to pass legislation and place conservative judges ... More >>

Powell Briefed Sharon Before Mitchell Report

Tuesday, 22 May 2001, 4:31 pm | John Howard

Israel Radio is reporting that U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell called Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon prior to the publication of the Mitchell Report which calls for a freeze on Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and Gaza strip. More >>

Howard's End: Beyond Senior And Beyond Repair

Monday, 21 May 2001, 9:32 am | John Howard

If I hadn't heard it myself I would never have believed that in this country there is an undertone of impatience, a stated 'be gone with you', an odour of ageism wafting in the stench of air which surrounds us all. John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: A Little Light Metal

Monday, 14 May 2001, 9:36 am | John Howard

"You are what you eat" has been the catch-cry of some health professionals for decades. But now, more and more scientists are saying that we all need to know more about the food we eat because some foods can effect behaviour and we could be ... More >>

Howard's End: Habitat Of Hope, Not Hype

Thursday, 3 May 2001, 9:57 am | John Howard

Environmental law often punishes bad things but rarely does it promote the good with clamour and conflict often accompanying environmental news. Shouldn't we all be concentrating on a habitat of hope, not hype? John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: Japan’s Maverick New PM

Thursday, 26 April 2001, 12:50 am | John Howard

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has issued a report Tuesday warning that the U.S. and Japan are unlikely to come out of a recession anytime soon, but Japan is about to get a radical free marketeer as its new Prime Minister ... More >>

Howard's End: Waltzing With Matlilda

Monday, 23 April 2001, 10:01 am | John Howard

Professor Bob Catley released a book last week entitled, Waltzing with Matlilda, suggesting that New Zealand has got 10 years to join Australia or it will be too late for us to avoid the fate of a poor Pacific nation. John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: Competitive Intelligence

Friday, 20 April 2001, 9:30 am | John Howard

The recent grounding on safety issues of 10 Ansett Australia Boeing 767's, owned by Air NZ, could likely have been avoided if Ansett had perhaps spent around $50,000 in the past year. John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: Language Skills Needed For Apologies

Wednesday, 18 April 2001, 9:39 am | John Howard

There are fundamental cultural differences between ourselves and our Asian neighbours, language translation difficulties being the most obvious, so if the Government and business is serious about our exporting future into Asia they had better lift their ... More >>

Howard's End: U.S. Consumer Confidence Critical

Monday, 16 April 2001, 2:56 pm | John Howard

Consumer confidence indicators due out this week will be the critical factor in determining whether the U.S. economy slips from merely sluggish performance to negative growth signaling the start of a recession. John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: Magnesium Opportunity Raises Issues

Thursday, 12 April 2001, 9:17 am | John Howard

The Government says it is seeking partnerships with local authorities to help drive economic development forward, but it's behaviour suggests something quite the opposite. John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: A Rat Is Detected In U.S. Policy

Tuesday, 10 April 2001, 8:23 am | John Howard

If there's one thing that is fast becoming evident from the standoff between China and the U.S. over the spy plane incident, it's that diplomats and strategists in the West have little understanding of China's ancient culture. John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: Creating Local Economic Growth

Wednesday, 4 April 2001, 10:30 am | John Howard

More than one hundred mayors, councillors, central government officials and economic development and tourism professionals, will attend a two-day forum starting in Wellington tomorrow entitled, "Unleashing the Economic Development Potential of our Communities." ... More >>

Howard's End: Rethinking Climate Change

Monday, 2 April 2001, 10:03 am | John Howard

United States President, George Bush, is meeting a barrage of criticism over his decision to back away from regulating carbon emissions under the Kyoto Protocol on climate change. But he was only hastening the inevitable, so now its back to the ... More >>

Howard's End: Oz Banks Admit "Social Obligations"

Wednesday, 28 March 2001, 10:53 am | John Howard

In lowering transaction fees and introducing other measures aimed at improving their image, Australian banks have admitted for the first time that they have "social obligations" to the community. John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: Asian Tiger Lacks Spontaneity

Monday, 26 March 2001, 9:07 am | John Howard

Singapore is often held up as a business role model for New Zealand to follow, but its impulse to control leaves little room for spontaneity and it is failing to produce the kind of entrepreneurs that it needs. John Howard writes. More >>

Howard's End: Dumb Bastards

Friday, 23 March 2001, 10:56 am | John Howard

There is both anger and bewilderment in Greymouth after Dominion Breweries(DB) announced the closure of the legendary Monteith's brewery yesterday, immediately putting 14 out of work and shifting production of this popular West Coast beer to Auckland. ... More >>