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Mary Pitt - Latest News [Page 3]

The Shameful Blasphemy Of The Religious Right

Tuesday, 6 December 2005, 3:59 pm | Mary Pitt

In the 1930's, when I was but a child, my aunt was married to a travelling evangelist who presided over camp meetings and she was very proud of his work. She loved telling me of his "miracles" of healing, saving souls, and casting out demons. She used to ... More >>

Mary Pitt: Howard Deans' Fund Raising Woes

Tuesday, 29 November 2005, 3:20 pm | Mary Pitt

Dr. Howard Dean, whose constructive use of the internet broke all records in raising money for his political campaign in 2004, is said to be having a bit of a problem in doing the same for the national Democratic Party. There are those who are quick ... More >>

Mary Pitt: The Economy Gap

Friday, 18 November 2005, 12:14 am | Mary Pitt

Having wakened a bit early and turned to my usual morning fodder of whatever is on C-Span, I was treated (?) to a re-broadcast of an appearance of Alan Greenspan before Congress Now, requiring a barely functional brain to decypher this man's message ... More >>

Mary Pitt: Bring Old Glory Home

Friday, 11 November 2005, 12:04 am | Mary Pitt

Bring home that once-glorious banner, those stars and stripes that once fluttered proudly and defiantly in the dawn's early light, that strengthened the sailors on that mighty ship that Commodore Perry commanded on the Great Lakes, that inspired ... More >>

Mary Pitt: The Burning Question

Monday, 17 October 2005, 11:18 am | Mary Pitt

Has anyone else noticed how badly those who write our laws despise common-sense solutions and plain speaking in the English language? Any solution to a common problem that makes common sense to the common citizen is dismissed as being "simplistic", argued ... More >>

Dem GOP Debate: Throwing Money At Em

Wednesday, 28 September 2005, 10:49 am | Mary Pitt

For several generations, the differences between the Democrats and the Republicans have boiled down to the Republican claim that Democrats believe they can solve problems by "throwing money at them". Now, that claim has been totally disproven ... More >>

Mary Pitt: Pay Me Now Or Pay Me Later

Tuesday, 13 September 2005, 12:32 am | Mary Pitt

These words have been familiar for generations as regards prevention of bad circumstances from neglect. And we have certainly been negligent in maintaining our largest national waterway, the Mississippi River. We have used it and abused it by adapting its resources ... More >>

Mary Pitt: Plenty Of Time

Monday, 12 September 2005, 12:06 am | Mary Pitt

We are adjured by the Bush administration to abandon the "blame game" and concentrate on the relocation and rebuilding of New Orleans. It's over. Nothing to see here. Move on. In a sense, they are right. There is no longer any urgency. More >>

Mary Pitt: Inflicting Democracy

Monday, 5 September 2005, 1:07 pm | Mary Pitt

The President has declared that he intends to keep our army in Iraq until they have a "democratic constitution" and are able to maintain order. To him, this would appear to be the fulfillment of his goal to "establish democracy" but one is led to question ... More >>

Mary Pitt: Why

Tuesday, 30 August 2005, 10:32 am | Mary Pitt

Cindy Sheehan, a middle-class mother from California is living in a tent beside the Prairie Chapel Road outside Crawford, burned brown by the Texas sun, devoid of her customary grooming and dress and so, apparently, shorn of any remnant of femininity ... More >>

Mary Pitt: The Princes Of Privilege

Monday, 29 August 2005, 4:10 pm | Mary Pitt

Over the past few decades, it appears that the American people are, more and more, turning to people of great wealth to fill positions of leadership and those electees are busily engaged in disconnecting the control of our lives from our individual ... More >>

Mary Pitt: Revelations Of A Reformed Republican

Monday, 22 August 2005, 2:45 pm | Mary Pitt

I never questioned why I was a Republican. I was born a Republican. My daddy was a Republican, my mama was a Republican, and so, of course, I was a Republican. It never occurred to me to doubt it. More >>

Robertson Declares Fatwah On Scotus

Tuesday, 9 August 2005, 3:12 pm | Mary Pitt

Americans watched in amazement yesterday when there appeard on their television screens the image of the High Mullah of the American religious extremists, Rev. Pat Robertson himself, as he prayed earnestly for more vacancies on the Supreme Court, presumably ... More >>

Mary Pitt: From Soaring Eagle To Sitting Duck

Tuesday, 19 July 2005, 12:57 am | Mary Pitt

Having long been an observer of history and having lived through much too much of it, I have fond memories of the time when the United States was seen as the savior of the world. Whenever despotism reared its ugly head, nations of the world looked ... More >>

Mary Pitt: Those Marvelous Brits

Monday, 11 July 2005, 9:02 am | Mary Pitt

I called an old friend yesterday. I had been meaning to do so for some time, but the pressures of work and family had inteceded and it never seemed to be the right time. At one time, we were sisters-in-law, young, beautiful and dumb! We grew so ... More >>

Mary Pitt: What If…

Thursday, 7 July 2005, 12:12 am | Mary Pitt

As I waited for Aunt Tildie to answer her door, I was feeling pangs of guilt for having neglected my regular schedule of calling on her. We speak daily by phone and she does have activities, but I hadn't actually seen her for some time. The need ... More >>

Mary Pitt: First Light

Monday, 4 July 2005, 9:28 am | Mary Pitt

Out here on the prairie, shortly before dawn, there comes a time called "first light", sometimes referred to as "false dawn". Before the sun is near enough rising to shed its clear light over the hills, it sends ahead its glow which ... More >>

Mary Pitt: More Republican Double-Talk

Friday, 24 June 2005, 2:15 pm | Mary Pitt

Hurrah! Hurrah! The Republican geniuses in the House of Representatives have discovered a way to spend the same money twice! You know, the Social Security "surplus" which has ever since Eisenhower been diverted to the General Fund in order to mask the ... More >>

Mary Pitt: A Watergate Perspective

Thursday, 2 June 2005, 12:09 am | Mary Pitt

Revelation of the identity of "Deep Throat" after all these years of considering Watergate to be a historical marker does lead one to a bit of contemplation and comparison with the contemporary political climate. More >>

Mary Pitt: They Shoot Cats, Don't They

Monday, 16 May 2005, 1:29 pm | Mary Pitt

Recently, the fine state of Wisconsin passed legislation which makes it possible for stray cats to be designated as "game" and to allow them to be shot by hunters. More >>