Niche Forecasting - Latest News [Page 1]
Employees dishing the dirt on bosses
Tuesday, 27 May 2008, 4:52 pm | Niche Forecasting
Employees that are struggling with a terrible manager have been given a chance to blow off some steam. More >>
Wrong Priorities Cause Mediocre Performance
Tuesday, 21 November 2006, 9:46 am | Niche Forecasting
SME’s could be hindering their success by focusing energy on the wrong tasks. Most businesses focus 100% of their time on their ‘have to do’ list meaning their ‘would love to if I had time’ list always remains impossible. The added stress ... More >>
The social responsibility helpdesk!
Wednesday, 5 October 2005, 11:27 am | Niche Forecasting
SR is still young; some businesses are a bit slow on the uptake. But for those businesses that have already got active SR plans have they been reviewed for their effectiveness? More >>
Businesses hold potential for much higher profits
Thursday, 9 June 2005, 11:03 am | Niche Forecasting
Businesses beware - consumers are about to become very well read about your brand and in doing so will be in control either by boycotting your brand or throwing profit at you. More >>
How We Will Shop Differently In 2005
Tuesday, 15 February 2005, 10:09 am | Niche Forecasting
Corporations need to stay one step ahead of consumers all the time - they need to predict shopping trends and keep their products exciting if they want to build or continue success. The biggest growing factor influencing consumers in 2005 is corporate ... More >>
NZ Power prices debate ‘heats up’
Thursday, 25 November 2004, 5:34 pm | Niche Forecasting
With Contact Energy posting a $144 million profit on Tuesday all focus is on the ticking over of our power meters. How overcharged are we being? Why is a state owned enterprise making profit at our expense? More >>
New Zealand Influencing Worldwide Corporations
Friday, 5 November 2004, 10:28 am | Niche Forecasting
With the who’s who of top world fashion just having left New Zealand fashion week it’s clear that NZ designs are gaining worldwide profile more and more by the second. Another type of New Zealand design – corporate niche design is also under the spotlight ... More >>
Are corporations our new global government?
Tuesday, 2 November 2004, 11:27 am | Niche Forecasting
Corporate social responsibility reports from corporations are the norm now. Many say it is to silence brand critics and to ‘pretty up’ the annual report but the level that corporate social responsibility could be taken to, and how much of a change ... More >>
Celebrity gossip – profitable lies
Thursday, 28 October 2004, 11:27 am | Niche Forecasting
Celebrities are a brand. The press can be either their best friend or worst enemy. Exposure from the press, when welcomed can hike their profile and income but instead there is an obsession with their private lives. A pimple on J’Lo means she’s pregnant ... More >>
A+ Executive Team?
Tuesday, 19 October 2004, 10:26 am | Niche Forecasting
Corporations are only as good as its weakest executive and execs aren’t perfect -they are just people, they too have imperfections - but are they up to scratch? More >>
Call for corporations to step up CSR
Monday, 4 October 2004, 12:25 am | Niche Forecasting
Christchurch, New Zealand, 04/10/2004 Buy a piece of peace everyday - it’s the job of corporate social responsibility to ensure consumers do just that everyday. Is corporate social responsibility planting trees or helping stop war? That depends ... More >>