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Uri Avnery - Latest News [Page 1]

Uri Avnery: The Messiah Hasn't Come

Sunday, 22 March 2015, 5:39 pm | Uri Avnery

THE MESSIAH HASN'T COME and Bibi hasn't gone. That's the sad outcome. Sad, but not the end of the world. As the American saying goes: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." I would say: "Today is the first day of the battle for the next ... More >>

Uri Avnery : The Speech

Monday, 9 March 2015, 11:35 am | Uri Avnery

SUDDENLY IT reminded me of something. I was watching The Speech by Binyamin Netanyahu before the Congress of the United States. Row upon row of men in suits (and the occasional woman), jumping up and down, up and down, applauding wildly, shouting approval. It ... More >>

An Expensive Speech - Uri Avnery

Sunday, 1 March 2015, 9:43 pm | Uri Avnery

WINSTON CHURCHILL famously said that democracy is the worst political system, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. Anyone involved with political life knows that that is British understatement. Churchill also said ... More >>

Anti-What? : Uri Avnery

Sunday, 22 February 2015, 10:01 am | Uri Avnery

ANTI-SEMITISM is on the rise. All over Europe it is raising its ugly head. Jews are in danger everywhere. They must make haste and come home to Israel before it is too late. True? Untrue? Nonsense. More >>

The Casino Republic : Uri Avnery

Sunday, 15 February 2015, 8:05 pm | Uri Avnery

The real ruler of Israel is one Sheldon Adelson, 81, American Jew, Casino king, who was rated as the world's tenth richest person, worth 37.2 billion dollars at the latest count. But who is counting? More >>

Zionists All : Uri Avnery

Sunday, 1 February 2015, 5:25 pm | Uri Avnery

MANY TIMES people ask me: "Are you a Zionist?" My stock answer is: "Depends on what you mean by Zionism." This is quite sincere. The term Zionism can mean many different things. Like the term socialism, for example. Francois Hollande is a socialist. So ... More >>

Uri Avnery : Galant's Gallant Act

Sunday, 25 January 2015, 7:07 pm | Uri Avnery

THERE USED to be a joke about a sadist and a masochist. "Hit me! Beat me! Kick me!" the masochist pleads with the sadist. The sadist smiles a cruel smile and slowly answers: "No!" THAT, MORE or less, reflects the situation on our northern border ... More >>

Waving in the first Row - Uri Avnery

Tuesday, 20 January 2015, 9:00 am | Uri Avnery

THE THREE Islamic terrorists could have been very proud of themselves, if they had lived to see it. More >>

The Rock of our Existence - Uri Avnery

Saturday, 3 January 2015, 1:04 pm | Uri Avnery

FIRST OF ALL, let me thank you for inviting me to address this important conference. I am neither a professor nor a doctor. Indeed, the highest academic title I ever achieved was SEC (Seventh Elementary Class). More >>

My Glorious Brothers | Uri Avnery, Gush Shalom

Monday, 29 December 2014, 3:00 pm | Uri Avnery

WHEN I was 15 years old and a member of the Irgun underground (by today's criteria, an honest-to-goodness terrorist organization), we sang "(In the past) we had the heroes / Bar Kochba and the Maccabees / Now we have the new ones / The national youth…" ... More >>

Jerusalem: The Unholy City

Monday, 24 November 2014, 2:26 pm | Uri Avnery

In its long and checkered history, Jerusalem has been occupied by dozens of conquerors. Babylonians and Persians, Greeks and Romans, Mamluks and Turks, Britons and Jordanians – to mention just a few. More >>

Meeting in a Tunnel

Monday, 15 September 2014, 10:14 am | Uri Avnery

THERE WAS this village in England which took great pride in its archery. In every yard there stood a large target board showing the skills of its owner. On one of these boards every single arrow had hit a bull's eye. More >>

Metro Gaza

Monday, 15 September 2014, 10:06 am | Uri Avnery

TEL AVIV has no metro. It has been discussed for decades. Successive mayors have promised it. Alas, still no metro. More >>

Son of Death

Monday, 15 September 2014, 10:01 am | Uri Avnery

THE WAR was over. Families returned to their kibbutzim near Gaza. Kindergartens opened up again. A ceasefire was in force and extended again and again. Obviously, both sides were exhausted. More >>

The War for Nothing

Monday, 15 September 2014, 9:57 am | Uri Avnery

On the Palestinian side: 2,143 dead, 577 of them children, 263 women, 102 elderly. 11,230 injured. 10,800 buildings destroyed. 8,000 partially destroyed. About 40,000 damaged homes. Among the damaged buildings: 277 schools, 10 hospitals, 70 mosques, ... More >>

God Wills It!

Monday, 15 September 2014, 9:54 am | Uri Avnery

FOR SIX decades my friends and I have warned our people: if we don't make peace with the nationalist Arab forces, we shall be faced with Islamic Arab forces. More >>

Hannibal ad Portas

Monday, 15 September 2014, 9:47 am | Uri Avnery

THE LAST war has come to an end, the next war has not yet started, so let's use the time to speak of many things. More >>

Eyeless in Gaza

Monday, 18 August 2014, 5:01 pm | Uri Avnery

The trouble with war is that it has two sides. Everything would be so much easier if war had only one side. Ours, of course. There you are, drawing up a wonderful plan for the next war, preparing it, training for it, until everything is perfect. More >>

Israelis indifferent to lynching and war crimes

Friday, 11 July 2014, 2:23 pm | Uri Avnery

Bombs are raining on Gaza and rockets on southern Israel, people are dying and homes are being destroyed. Again. Again without any purpose. Again with the certainty that after it’s all over, everything will essentially be the same as it was before. More >>

The Israel that could have been in Argentina

Friday, 30 May 2014, 5:23 pm | Uri Avnery

During his short visit to Israel, Pope Francis laid a wreath on the grave of Theodor Herzl. That was not a usual gesture. Foreign heads of state are obliged to visit Yad Vashem, as did the Pope, but not the grave of Herzl. More >>