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Council on Hemispheric Affairs - Latest News [Page 2]

Tehran On a Quest to Expand Its Diplomatic Frontiers

Tuesday, 27 March 2012, 3:20 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Since the election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran has continued to make significant diplomatic inroads in Latin America. At a time where his regime faces isolation and sanctions from the West, new alliances abroad are essential. COHA evaluates the new ... More >>

The Digital Divide: Closing the Gap

Tuesday, 20 March 2012, 3:15 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

As universal access to the internet becomes a tangible possibility in Latin America, nations like Argentina and Brazil must learn how to replace outdated approaches to technology with innovative and modern policy making. A hint to President Kirchner ... More >>

A Landmark Decision for War Crime Accountability

Saturday, 10 March 2012, 8:12 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

After just three years in office, the left of center Farabundo Marti National Liberation (FMLN) Administration of President Mauricio Funes is receiving high marks for its achievements in the area of education reform. More >>

Colombia's Council of State Overrides Chief Prosecutor

Saturday, 3 March 2012, 9:08 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Colombia's Constitutional Council has overturned the appointment of Vivian Morales as the state's Chief Prosecutor. This article examines the reasons for this change and takes a detailed look at President Juan Manuel Santos' next steps, as he pursues ... More >>

Correa Ponders Reprieve for El Universo

Friday, 2 March 2012, 10:52 am | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Press freedom balances on a knife's edge in Ecuador as President Correa decides the fate of El Universo, Ecuador's largest newspaper. More >>

OAS Defends its Turf

Saturday, 25 February 2012, 9:04 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

In this release... While the OAS has enjoyed hemispheric dominance over the 19 decades, the formation of new regional groupings like CELAC and UNASUR means that some have come to question the future of the almost two century-old organization. Proponents ... More >>

Falklands Fever Not Likely to Turn into War

Thursday, 16 February 2012, 12:57 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

As tension continues to rise between Britain and Argentina over claims to the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, the Council on Hemispheric Affairs explores the motives behind the inflammatory rhetoric. This report argues that while armed conflict is unlikely, the unwavering ... More >>

Venezuelan Opposition Rallies for The Unit

Monday, 30 January 2012, 12:34 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

In this release... The U.S. presidential campaign season is rapidly taking on the political coloration of what can be expected from the low-grade ideological polemics that bulk so large in the political outcomes in Venezuela. Conservative opposition ... More >>

The U.S. Barely Debates its Latin-American Policy

Saturday, 28 January 2012, 8:23 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

How Low Can They Go: The U.S. Barely Debates its Latin-American Policy, with no Intellectual Recourse More >>

Rural Colombia: The Potential for the Future

Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 12:56 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Plans for the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project Plant have been put forward to encourage international investment in Colombia and been sold to the public as part of a national plan for energy security. Development projects such as this are rarely present in ... More >>

Mexico's Democracy is Abusing Human Rights

Saturday, 21 January 2012, 7:58 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

In this release... In recent months, the media has widely reported on the continuous human rights violations committed by members of the Mexican military. While news of these atrocities only recently surfaced on major news stations, Mexican authorities, ... More >>

Mexico’s Drug War: Not Another Colombia

Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 1:27 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Mexico’s Drug War: Not Another Colombia While addressing the Council on Foreign Relations on September 8, 2010, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton qualified the situation in Mexico as “looking more and more like Colombia looked 20 years ... More >>

The Internet in Brazil | Higher Education in Latin America

Monday, 16 January 2012, 2:04 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

This article focuses on the internet in Brazil, like the rise of e-businesses, e-crimes and issues regarding e-censorship. It is meant to continue and expand upon an article previously published by the author that discusses the internet in Latin America- ... More >>

Venezuelan Consul General Expelled from U.S.

Sunday, 15 January 2012, 4:44 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

On January 8, 2012, the U.S. State Department declared Venezuelan consul general Livia Acosta Noguera persona non grata and ordered her to leave the U.S for her alleged involvement in an Iranian computer scam. The announcement took place the same day ... More >>

Latin America's Pacific Alliance Plans for 2012

Friday, 23 December 2011, 9:58 am | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru take signficant steps towards the formation of a new economic bloc, named the Pacific Alliance, which might surpass MERCOSUR in terms of trade volume. This analysis was prepared by Gustavo Pulhares, Research Associate ... More >>

The TIPNIS Affair | “Saving” Children from Leftist Agendas

Monday, 19 December 2011, 10:43 am | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

The TIPNIS Affair: Indigenous Conflicts and the Limits on “Pink Tide” States Under Capitalist Realities Although Bolivian President Evo Morales recently signed an agreement with indigenous groups clarifying the law that banned the construction ... More >>

Lagarde Meets with Rousseff and Mantega

Thursday, 15 December 2011, 9:38 am | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

'Lagarde Meets with Rousseff and Mantega as Part of Her Visit to Latin America to Negotiate Brazil’s Lending to the IMF' -- 'How About a Modest Act of Decency to One Very Flawed Former Panamanian Dictator?' More >>

Big Hopes for CELAC, but Little Outcome (At Least for Now)

Thursday, 8 December 2011, 12:57 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) held its first summit last week. Will this new coalition make progress in areas the OAS has not? More >>

Petro and Cano Offer Two Distinct Paths for One Colombia

Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 1:47 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Indigenous autonomy is being sacrificed by the Mexican government, under heavy pressure from the U.S., for quick profits and more appealing trade incentives. This analysis was prepared by COHA Guest Scholar Christopher Oshinski. To read the full article, ... More >>

The Price of Civilization: Brazil, Bolivia, and Chile

Friday, 2 December 2011, 1:33 pm | Council on Hemispheric Affairs

________________________________________ Trapped between Development and Environmental Constraints Both private and state-led infrastructure initatives in Brazil, Bolivia, and Chile have spurred indigenous resistance and sparked a familiar debate about ... More >>